Diamond Aegis: Req9 (command) PURPLE insc
Equine Aegis: Req9 (tactics) Gold insc
Icy Azure Shortbow: Req9 Gold insc
Vampiric Golden Machete of Fortitude: Req9 Max mods+ 15/50-S&H Insc Gold
Icy Razorclaw sythe: Req11 Insc Gold
Insightful portal staff of Fortitude: Req9 (energy storage) max mods +15/50-S&H insc Gold
Cyndr's Aegis
Gorrels Cane
Bastion of the Condemned
The Rockmolder
Rocktail's Stinger
GrayGore's Zelous Shortbow
need a Pricecheck on numerous items
1. sell to merchant
2. 15-20k
3. 5k
4. 5-7k
5. salvage the icy - about 2k for it
6. 5-7k
greens no idea
2. 15-20k
3. 5k
4. 5-7k
5. salvage the icy - about 2k for it
6. 5-7k
greens no idea
Thank you 
Anyone have a clue on the greens?

Anyone have a clue on the greens?
... anyone? any price value for these greens?... please?...