Probably most of the are merchant food/hero worthy, but just curious if any of them are worth anything.
1. Tall Shield
max, r9 tactics (no inscription)
+9 AR vs Ogres
+1 Death Magic 19%
2. Long Sword
max, r12 (no inscription)
dmg +15% -1energy regen
3. Eternal Shield
max, r10 str (no inscription)
+56hp while hexed
dmg-3 while hexed
4. Defensive Plagueborn staff of dragonslaying
max, r11 fire, (no inscription)
+5 AR, +20% vs. Dragons
5. Staff wrapping of Domination magic (20%), Fire magic (20%), earth magic (20%), air magic (20%), and water magic (20%)
Thank you in advance.
Odd shield and miscellaneous golds
The Swift Dragon
1/2/3 merch food. IDKabout rest.
Matrix Arcade
merch 1-3, 4: 10-15kish I think.
I'd personally merch the mods aswell..
I'd personally merch the mods aswell..
Agree with Matrix, though mods could sell for 3k ea or something like that (at least fire and domination)