If you had one thing to make Guild Wars better what would it be?
Rocky Raccoon
Mine would be an persitent world with instanced dungeons. I like meeting people when I'm am out and about.
Jecht Scye
More than one large update every 3 months.
7 heroes.
Rocky Raccoon
I left Guild a year ago, Guildwars was my first MMO, while I love seeing other gamers in a persistent world it comes with a price, if you think you ran into rude players in GW you haven't seen nothing, I learned a lot since I left GW, for one didn't know what PK meant created a character on PK server and got gank daily while doing my quest, simple things like doing quest can become annoying because so many people killing the same mob, KS is annoying, imagine taking down a boss and having some fool hit it first and get the credit, seen this happen with my guild a few days ago, there's quite a lot of positives with a persistent world but the A-holes that play in it can make your experience a nightmare.
PS:I would return to GW in a heart beat if they added a AH.
PS:I would return to GW in a heart beat if they added a AH.
Still Number One
A larger community so matches only take 5 minutes to find like they used to and not 30, and the ability to form a gvg team whenever the hell I feel like playing and not when 8 schedules just so happen to have the same slot open.
But that isn't something anyone can fix and is just crap that happens when a game gets old and people stop playing it. Here's to hoping GW 2 starts off the same way GW1 did and hoping it lasts a year or two longer.
But that isn't something anyone can fix and is just crap that happens when a game gets old and people stop playing it. Here's to hoping GW 2 starts off the same way GW1 did and hoping it lasts a year or two longer.
Rocky Raccoon
I left Guild a year ago, Guildwars was my first MMO, while I love seeing other gamers in a persistent world it comes with a price, if you think you ran into rude players in GW you haven't seen nothing, I learned a lot since I left GW, for one didn't know what PK meant created a character on PK server and got gank daily while doing my quest, simple things like doing quest can become annoying because so many people killing the same mob, KS is annoying, imagine taking down a boss and having some fool hit it first and get the credit, seen this happen with my guild a few days ago, there's quite a lot of positives with a persistent world but the A-holes that play in it can make your experience a nightmare.
PS:I would return to GW in a heart beat if they added a AH. |
Island Guardian
Have had duping accident never happen so i could compete for rare mini baby uber rare kanaxi but now since its up to 1000 arms aka 42,000e its kinda hard
Fixing every single armor/weapon clipping issues... poor female fow mesmers QQ
Lux Aeterna
The ranger would always hit my target first, so I'd only have to bring gash.
Bob Slydell
Persistant world was once an idea I thought of, but it would probably piss many many people off, change the entire face of the game and how it works, take up heaps of memory on their servers to run the world AND for your computer to load and process all the textures and polys. Just wouldn't be implemented. Besides, nowadays I realize the way it is now is better, and its cool. I like it how it is.
I'll go with full-hero parties (yourself and 7 maximum, since 8 is max party size.)
And I'll also go with: when you switch to hardmode, your maximum party size becomes 8 in areas that are normally 4 or 6 party size.
I'll go with full-hero parties (yourself and 7 maximum, since 8 is max party size.)
And I'll also go with: when you switch to hardmode, your maximum party size becomes 8 in areas that are normally 4 or 6 party size.
Star Gazer
quoted for trying to not to be repetitive.
also, a leveling system in HA
Battles being ranked such as:
that way, the "bad" (see: Inexperienced) would be able to learn and grow with a lower system, and the "elite" players could not steam-roll through players trying to learn tactics.
sure, people will whine that "QQ r12+ wont have many players noob". however, players would eventually get up to that level.
also, a leveling system in HA
Battles being ranked such as:
that way, the "bad" (see: Inexperienced) would be able to learn and grow with a lower system, and the "elite" players could not steam-roll through players trying to learn tactics.
sure, people will whine that "QQ r12+ wont have many players noob". however, players would eventually get up to that level.
Reskin all the male para armors to hide their midriffs.
Oh, and 7heroes per player and allowing them to equip PvE skills. Would make H/Hing Vloxen/Slavers Soooo much faster.
Oh, and 7heroes per player and allowing them to equip PvE skills. Would make H/Hing Vloxen/Slavers Soooo much faster.
I would just settle for Hero's being able to use PVE Skills.
A sequel. :P
Bryant Again
In regards to a general thing, that would be fixing the monster AI in PvE to be a bit more mindful and attentive.
In regards to a specific thing, I'd fix aggro. I'd make it so all monsters are aware of everyone in the party once someone catches their attention. This would help fix the "tank and spank" gameplay that's overall gamebreaking.
In regards to a specific thing, I'd fix aggro. I'd make it so all monsters are aware of everyone in the party once someone catches their attention. This would help fix the "tank and spank" gameplay that's overall gamebreaking.
Sell it to another company which would give a damn about the game.
Saborath Gilgalad
Either 7-heros, or create another area like SF that would add life to the game and give players something new to do. Or perhaps make a BMP that didn't suck and was actually fun to do more than once.
and being able to say RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO when i feel like it as long as i'm not being hostile towards someone
and being able to say RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO when i feel like it as long as i'm not being hostile towards someone
Shayne Hawke
A larger dev team.
Nothing original here - I'd be overjoyed with the option for 7 heroes with PVE skills.
There are some days where I just want "extra-easy-mode" and to steamroll through an area hitting c-space and ignore some basics like pulling and aggro control.
I prefer instances to persistent - I've played another game where the boss mobs drop good items, and it's frustrating as hell getting KS'ed and having to wait up to 2 hours for a respawn to try again.
There are some days where I just want "extra-easy-mode" and to steamroll through an area hitting c-space and ignore some basics like pulling and aggro control.

I prefer instances to persistent - I've played another game where the boss mobs drop good items, and it's frustrating as hell getting KS'ed and having to wait up to 2 hours for a respawn to try again.
Apok Omen
Guild Wars Two
Persistent world sounds like such a great idea, but to me it means little.
Few weeks ago I leveled a Hunter in WoW from scratch to level 70, purely a nostalgia return. This was on a Full Server, but once out of the starting area I very rarely even saw another player once away from the flight point in an explorable.
Which, for WoW, is usual. Unless you intentionally play with guild groups or a friend, you are never so alone as when playing WoW.
You think of maybe joining with other players to do quests and such? Well, not with most players you won't. Certainly not me.
So, where is the value of this persistent seamless world? None at all except perhaps in the starting areas.
Few weeks ago I leveled a Hunter in WoW from scratch to level 70, purely a nostalgia return. This was on a Full Server, but once out of the starting area I very rarely even saw another player once away from the flight point in an explorable.
Which, for WoW, is usual. Unless you intentionally play with guild groups or a friend, you are never so alone as when playing WoW.
You think of maybe joining with other players to do quests and such? Well, not with most players you won't. Certainly not me.
So, where is the value of this persistent seamless world? None at all except perhaps in the starting areas.
7 Heroes
A Sequel
ADD MORE STUFF - To keep us occupied during the wait for GW2 , (Particularly Skills to add to farming (NOT to help farming now, to create new types of farming.)
Skill Balancing, More of it
A Sequel
ADD MORE STUFF - To keep us occupied during the wait for GW2 , (Particularly Skills to add to farming (NOT to help farming now, to create new types of farming.)
Skill Balancing, More of it
More dungeons/extensions even if paid.
More Weapon Skins
New(Not Reskinned) Armor
New Pets
New Elite PvE area,Dungeon,Mission(or another 12man area)
Scaled HA(as suggested above)
Exploitable pet corpses in PvE again...
7 heroes i guess
New mini-pet Self(a minipet of yourself lol)
Buff/refunction old skills PvE and balance PvP
ALL Skins(incrib) in z-chest(why not)
Greens and Golds in HoM(would REALLY like to add my Drago's Flatbow and Celestial/Zodiac's)
Remove shrines from HB or add Area Effects(like Realm of Torment)
More Lore/Insight about sylvari(new quest related?)
Downscale-able Silver/Gold zCoins
more then 3 saved zQuests in the log(except for pvp)
make all items dyeable(and more colorful when dyed)
Legendary Quest Hunter Title(Complete all quests in all campaigns)
A New Hero(Most can agree MOX wasnt a good idea, maybe balance out the number of hero professions to 3 ea?)
Dyeable Hair(kinda lulzy, but would be nice)
New PVE Skills(just a few for farming or coop elite areas)
NERF UWSC/FOWSC(What happened to balanced play?)
Hero Assassin Skill chains(make is so they can chain left to right or 1-8)
Diablo 3 please!
im sure i could think of more, but this game is starting to be not worth the energy of thinking bout it.
New(Not Reskinned) Armor
New Pets
New Elite PvE area,Dungeon,Mission(or another 12man area)
Scaled HA(as suggested above)
Exploitable pet corpses in PvE again...
7 heroes i guess
New mini-pet Self(a minipet of yourself lol)
Buff/refunction old skills PvE and balance PvP
ALL Skins(incrib) in z-chest(why not)
Greens and Golds in HoM(would REALLY like to add my Drago's Flatbow and Celestial/Zodiac's)
Remove shrines from HB or add Area Effects(like Realm of Torment)
More Lore/Insight about sylvari(new quest related?)
Downscale-able Silver/Gold zCoins
more then 3 saved zQuests in the log(except for pvp)
make all items dyeable(and more colorful when dyed)
Legendary Quest Hunter Title(Complete all quests in all campaigns)
A New Hero(Most can agree MOX wasnt a good idea, maybe balance out the number of hero professions to 3 ea?)
Dyeable Hair(kinda lulzy, but would be nice)
New PVE Skills(just a few for farming or coop elite areas)
NERF UWSC/FOWSC(What happened to balanced play?)
Hero Assassin Skill chains(make is so they can chain left to right or 1-8)
Diablo 3 please!
im sure i could think of more, but this game is starting to be not worth the energy of thinking bout it.
A better system for trading ingame. A offline marketplace.
And a offline message system.
Some webpage HoM to show your titles and stuff
Better guild/alliance integration
hopefully GW2 will have these things.
And a offline message system.
Some webpage HoM to show your titles and stuff
Better guild/alliance integration
hopefully GW2 will have these things.
Chests with booby traps and real gold treasure. Include a skill with % based on luck for detecting/disabling them and we're in business.
Agreed on Diablo 3 because of its blooooodgooooore and power levels over nine thousand. But that game is at least three years away.
Lux Aeterna
Dragon slash: You strike target foe twice dealing +42 dmg, and gain 10 adrenaline. These attacks cannot be blocked. SSSSCHING.
Fay Vert
Remove the loot scaling.
Random arenas that match up by personal rating (like GvG) and don't have more than one of each profession on a team.
Random arenas that match up by personal rating (like GvG) and don't have more than one of each profession on a team.
New armor, new weps
New quest lines. The MOX hero bites, the MOX quests/missions did not. A series of quests like the Titan quests, or designs like the Charr quests/Missions in EotN.
We know the civil war between the dwarves rages on: how about a mission that plays out IN Droks, or in IN Granite Citadel (that is, in an instance of them, like the MOX missions.).
Smarter mobs.
8-creature balanced mobs in HM. Sorry, it's not hard when your party outnumbers the critters 2-1 and there are no healers in the mobs. The hardest parts of HM come when you face a nearly even mob of monsters like Margonites or Charr, carrying multiple healers/protters.
New quest lines. The MOX hero bites, the MOX quests/missions did not. A series of quests like the Titan quests, or designs like the Charr quests/Missions in EotN.
We know the civil war between the dwarves rages on: how about a mission that plays out IN Droks, or in IN Granite Citadel (that is, in an instance of them, like the MOX missions.).
Smarter mobs.
8-creature balanced mobs in HM. Sorry, it's not hard when your party outnumbers the critters 2-1 and there are no healers in the mobs. The hardest parts of HM come when you face a nearly even mob of monsters like Margonites or Charr, carrying multiple healers/protters.
More friends.
People who want to do thinngs. :]
Like missions and stuff. xD
People who want to do thinngs. :]
Like missions and stuff. xD
Originally Posted by Kain Fz, Chrisworld, Star Gazer, Gennadios, Saborath Gilgalad, Swehurn, MisterT69, Barrage
![]() 7 heroes.
Any other company would have realized, by now, that limiting the amount of fun, that the majority of your customers can have (that means the PvE players), just for the sake of satisfying your overbearing needs, is not a good idea.
Sarevok Thordin
7 Heroes.
All titles that can collectively contribute to an account made account wide (Repuation, drunkard etc)
Sort the rank discrimination problem out (see earlier suggestion).
Punish runners in Arenas
Restore a territory war style feel to the game, without making PvErs BAWWWWWW.
Progressively Add Guild Wars 2 transition events into the game (Quest that sees the demise of the guardians of Ventari's haven?)
On that note: More guild wars 2 info.
Allow EoTN faction weapons (norn/asuran etc weapons) to be added to the HoM
Titan quest monument
A balthazar faction title track that tracks overall gained balth faction that gives a better emote than the zaishen title (since the zaishen title was horribly gooned from the start with tradable keys)
Nerf Shadow Form
Allow reporting of people NOT in the district and draw info from PERSONAL chat logs to compensate (This is to get that sneaky account selling spammer that hangs about GToB from time to time and changes districts after dropping his spam attack, I have caught him 5 times or so with reports but he continues to return with others)
All titles that can collectively contribute to an account made account wide (Repuation, drunkard etc)
Sort the rank discrimination problem out (see earlier suggestion).
Punish runners in Arenas
Restore a territory war style feel to the game, without making PvErs BAWWWWWW.
Progressively Add Guild Wars 2 transition events into the game (Quest that sees the demise of the guardians of Ventari's haven?)
On that note: More guild wars 2 info.
Allow EoTN faction weapons (norn/asuran etc weapons) to be added to the HoM
Titan quest monument
A balthazar faction title track that tracks overall gained balth faction that gives a better emote than the zaishen title (since the zaishen title was horribly gooned from the start with tradable keys)
Nerf Shadow Form
Allow reporting of people NOT in the district and draw info from PERSONAL chat logs to compensate (This is to get that sneaky account selling spammer that hangs about GToB from time to time and changes districts after dropping his spam attack, I have caught him 5 times or so with reports but he continues to return with others)