LF Consistent crafting material farmer/s
Louva A Deus
As title says, I am looking to "employ" farmer/s who farm materials on a frequent basis, more specifically; Iron, Bone, Glittering Dust and Feathers. Negotiable prices I will be paying are:
Iron - 3.5k/stack
Dust - 2.5k/stack
Bone - 1.5k/stack
Feathers - 10k/stack
Edit: I am also looking to "employ" someone to farm:
Dark Remains - 17k/stack or 68g/ea
Demonic Remains - 7k/stack or 28g/ea
Shadowy Remnants - 4k/stack or 16g/ea
Saurian Bone - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Feathered Avicara Scalp - 3k/stack or 12g/ea
Frosted Griffon Wing - 2.5k/stack or 12g/ea
Quetzal Crest - 7k/stack or 28g/ea
Gold Doubloons - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Kournan Pendant - 9k/stack or 36g/ea
Azure Remains - 3k/stack or 12g/ea
Molten Eye - 9k/stack or 36g/ea
Phantom Residue - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Unctuous Remains - 10k/stack or 40g/ea
Ancient Eye - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Umbral Eye - 22k/stack or 88g/ea
Pile of Elemental Dust - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Feathered Crest - 25k/stack or 100g/ea
I will be looking for an infinite amount of these materials, and will buy any time. If you have Bone+Feathers : Dust+Iron at a 1:2 stack ratio respectively, eg 250 Bone and Feathers along with 500 Dust and Iron, I will pay extra. Obviously, the more of these stack sets you have, the more I will pay extra. I will also pay you an extra fee of 250g for each extra set you give me in one single go.
Please note: Prices are NOT negotiable for straight out materials, but are for collectables. Please post or PM here, or in game. My IGN is Severus Munne.
Iron - 3.5k/stack
Dust - 2.5k/stack
Bone - 1.5k/stack
Feathers - 10k/stack
Edit: I am also looking to "employ" someone to farm:
Dark Remains - 17k/stack or 68g/ea
Demonic Remains - 7k/stack or 28g/ea
Shadowy Remnants - 4k/stack or 16g/ea
Saurian Bone - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Feathered Avicara Scalp - 3k/stack or 12g/ea
Frosted Griffon Wing - 2.5k/stack or 12g/ea
Quetzal Crest - 7k/stack or 28g/ea
Gold Doubloons - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Kournan Pendant - 9k/stack or 36g/ea
Azure Remains - 3k/stack or 12g/ea
Molten Eye - 9k/stack or 36g/ea
Phantom Residue - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Unctuous Remains - 10k/stack or 40g/ea
Ancient Eye - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Umbral Eye - 22k/stack or 88g/ea
Pile of Elemental Dust - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Feathered Crest - 25k/stack or 100g/ea
I will be looking for an infinite amount of these materials, and will buy any time. If you have Bone+Feathers : Dust+Iron at a 1:2 stack ratio respectively, eg 250 Bone and Feathers along with 500 Dust and Iron, I will pay extra. Obviously, the more of these stack sets you have, the more I will pay extra. I will also pay you an extra fee of 250g for each extra set you give me in one single go.
Please note: Prices are NOT negotiable for straight out materials, but are for collectables. Please post or PM here, or in game. My IGN is Severus Munne.
Louva A Deus
Bump. Still looking for people. Taking even just casual sellers.
I can be a casual feather farmer.
Price is ok just contact me in game if you do not mind.
IGN: Bof Ray
Price is ok just contact me in game if you do not mind.
IGN: Bof Ray
Can supply you with bones and dust. See you ingame!
Edit: Thanks for the quick trade. Will contact you soon with more!
Edit: Thanks for the quick trade. Will contact you soon with more!
hey louva I was wondering what time zone you are on because I haven't seen you on.
I currently have 20 stacks of bone i get about 5 per day, and can farm you 250 feather every 30 min, can also consistently provide you with iron, dont do dust though sorry
my ign is The Mender of Souls
my ign is The Mender of Souls
Smooth fast trade and if all goes well we shall be doing future business.
Louva A Deus
Back to the top. Added above to FL and PM'd all available.
Yoom Omer
I also farm feathers, although rather casually. I'll be happy to trade with you whenever I have stacks of it. Also have some iron and bones now, Conatct me ingame or I'll contact you if I'll see you on.
Louva A Deus
Thanks a bunch guys. Added above in-game, but was away for the weekend so didn't come online or check here.
Louva A Deus
Bump. Added above to FL, and will PM when I see online.
damage bolt
can farm but your prices are WAY to low
I farm common crafting materials casually. I am focused on feathers right now, however I salvage almost all my drops so I get other common crafting materials as well. If you contact me in game I will add you to my friends list and hit you up as I get get stacks of the materials you are requesting.
IGN: Aqucsaijr Xxx
IGN: Aqucsaijr Xxx
Louva A Deus
Added more buyable items and added to FL. Also, fallenangel, I am not buying materials at any higher price and do not need a lecture on how low they are, as I have had many sellers at these prices. I am, however, willing to negotiate prices on collectables.
EDIT: So sorry fallenangel, I was referring to damge bolt, I will get back to you in game ASAP.
EDIT: So sorry fallenangel, I was referring to damge bolt, I will get back to you in game ASAP.
Hmm ... me? Lecture? Sorry, I don't do lectures. If I don't like your prices, I'll sell to someone else, simple as that. You've obviously mistaken me for someone else, which I understand can easily happen if you're dealing with so many people. Is that why you didn't respond to my 3 msgs ingame couple days ago?
Anyway, I have more bones and dust for you (especially bones, piling up all over the place), so please pm me ingame next time you see me. Ta!

Anyway, I have more bones and dust for you (especially bones, piling up all over the place), so please pm me ingame next time you see me. Ta!
Louva A Deus
Daily bump
Louva A Deus
Daily bump