Hello, I'm looking for
Vizunah Square [NM] [AFK]
Nahpui Quarter [NM] [AFK]
Let me know of a time and price, I'll be needing some time to get from Vizunah to Nahpui, unless you'll be accompanying me through those two quests, in which case add a tacked on price to the total. Thank you.
Lf Vizunah Square, Nahpui Quarter [NM]
6k for Naphui
5k for Vizunah (Foreign)
6k for Vizunah (Local)
AFK Fee = 2k per mission.
I charge more for local as my characters with it unlocked do not have the best heroes, meaning its a slower run.
5k for Vizunah (Foreign)
6k for Vizunah (Local)
AFK Fee = 2k per mission.
I charge more for local as my characters with it unlocked do not have the best heroes, meaning its a slower run.