I read that we're supposed to close a thread by editing the original post and deleting all content and replacing it with **CLOSED BY OP**.
I take the rule at face value and assume that we really are meant to delete everything in the original post to close our thread before we start a new one. If I'm wrong, please correct me.
If I am right, I'd like to make a suggestion or ask if we're allowed to leave up the prices at which we bought/sold our items for future reference for other players. The Price Check area is great, but I don't see why it would hurt to allow people in the Sell and Buy forums to leave a little feedback as well (in their closed threads), just to help people out as far as price checks go. Most of the time, from what I can see, the Price Check forum is hard to deal with in the way that it takes a long time for you to get a reply (if you even do). And a good chunk of the time if you do a search, the information is outdated by several months. I have personally done several searches for price checks and 9 times out of 10, found more threads pertaining to the exact item I was trying to get a check on in the buy/sell forums. But unfortunately, the OP of the post deleted all content in the original post.

Anyway, thought I'd ask.