1: blue Tower Shield req 8 str ar 16 + 31hp while enchanted, not inscribable
2: purple Great Conch req8 tact, inscribable its also max armor
3. gold Guardian of the Hunt req 12 tact, inscribable
TY in advance
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Aug 2006
Europe - H
Private Army of Ascalon [ARMY]
04 Aug 2009 at 07:20 - 2
1: merch
2: ~70k IMO
3: I'd merch
Raven Wing
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Nov 2005
The Imperial Guards of Istan [TIGI]
06 Aug 2009 at 18:05 - 3
TY kdz
any more opinions?
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Oct 2006
06 Aug 2009 at 18:16 - 4
what armor for purple one ?
Raven Wing
Jungle Guide
Join Date: Nov 2005
The Imperial Guards of Istan [TIGI]
14 Aug 2009 at 10:16 - 5
I merched the tower shield and sold guardian of the hunt for 4k.
I still have the great conch and I have been told that 70k is too high.
Any other opinions?