I'll pay 10K to the one who gives me the PCs (divided by the answerers if more than one) ... I hope this is not against forum rules
- Eternal - Str 12 - Insc
- Guardian of the Humr - tact 11 - insc
- Spike targe - tact 9 - insc
- Exalted Aegis - str 11 - +30 health, +10 vs cold
- Amethist Aegis - mot 10 - insc
- Amethist Aegis - tact 11 - insc
- skulll shield - com 9 - insc
- skull shield - tact 9 - insc / perfect
- Aureate aegis - mot 9 - insc
Caster weapons
- Zodiac scepter - soul 10 - insc
- Zodiac scepter - en stor 9 - insc
- Ghostly staff - comm 9 - stunning 20%, +30 health, +1 spawning power
- Platinum staff - insp 9 - insc
- Fucsia staff - ill 9 - insc
- Zodiac staff - divine 9 - insc
- Onyx scepter - divine 10 - insc
- Serpentine scepter - insp 12 - insc
- Serpentine scepter - soul 12 - insc
- Eternal bow - mark 10 - shocking, +19% hexed foes, 20% ench
- Celestial bow - mark 10 - insc
- Dryad bow - r13 - insc
War weapons
- Gothic axe - r10 - insc
- Golden phoenix blade - r12 - insc
- Sephis sword - r9 - insc
- Mursaat hammer - r11 - insc
- Celestial sword - r11 - insc
- Celestial sword - r9 - +14 when enchanted, vampiric, sword +1 20%
- Zodiac hammer - r9 - insc
- Nightmare spear - r9 - insc
- Ancient Scythe (3 claws) - r9 - insc
- Draconic Scythe - r12 - insc