I maxed my norn title on my war and don't know what rep to max next. I've been thinking of Asura due to Asuran scan. But what benefits do Deldrimor and Vanguard have?
Which rep to raise next?
i'd go with deldrimor, for the following things:
-i prefer by urals hammer over asuran scan
-drunken master is nice if your working on alcohol title
-brawling headbut is an unblockable kd that is adren-based
vanguard = not many skills worth using, but rebel yell is pretty dam awesome for a passive bonus. do not forget to craft your charrslayer sword and charrslayer shield.
i'd go with deldrimor, for the following things:
-i prefer by urals hammer over asuran scan
-drunken master is nice if your working on alcohol title
-brawling headbut is an unblockable kd that is adren-based
vanguard = not many skills worth using, but rebel yell is pretty dam awesome for a passive bonus. do not forget to craft your charrslayer sword and charrslayer shield.
BUH doesn't work with minions
Anyways, since I'm a bit WE scan, would it make sense ti raise asura for PI and asura scan?
Anyways, since I'm a bit WE scan, would it make sense ti raise asura for PI and asura scan?