NERFED Chaos Axe Req 9 15>50

Plazma Knight

Plazma Knight

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Nerf Wammo Plz[WaMo] Team Arena Top Guild

Price Check on Chaos Axe
Req 9 15>50
Nerfed unins..

Snow Bunny

Snow Bunny

Alcoholic From Yale

Join Date: Jul 2007

Strong Foreign Policy [sFp]

40k or thereabouts.

It's not nerfed. How is it nerfed? It's an original R9 15^50 axe...nothing unique about it.




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Someone is being a pain obviously since he said another R9 15>50 axe was 'nerfed' and "100k +xxe"..... will be glad to send a report to a mod and let them decide on what to do

40-50k or such