Anti leeching/ botting suggestion
I thought of a way that i think will vastly extinguish botting and leeching in random pvp areas; be it RA; JQ or FA.
The report system is broken and people dont tend to use it.
So here is how it works:
Characters that spawn at the start op the countdown before the match are locked in place; and cant move. During the countdown two 2 to 3 character boxes will appear on screen. One empty; the other containing random numbers or letters. The player will be requested to fill the exact same digits as shown in the upper box into the empty lower box. Make it so that the digits can not be coppy/ pasted; but rather require manual insertion. Entering the correct code will unlcok movement. Anet can even go so far that unless this is done within a certain timeframe the character is booted out and replaced by a new one. Not unlocking the code will result in penalization.
Botters aim to run macros while being afk; They run programs 24/7 inmemsly irritatigna and frustrating the community. This messure kills botting on the spot. Leeching however will still be possible; but will require active participation; and I doubt leechers have the stamina to do it for hours on end. The days when people could endlessly run a program while afk will be a thing of the past.
Its a system that needs no upkeep whatsoever. It wont totally stop leeching; but will strongly discourage it; for people wont be able to run a macro and leave it at that. Playing in these type of arenas will require active participation on a players part.
- 60 second countdown gives enough time to activate code (even when lagging).
- botters will be cikced and penalized at the start of a match
- people with disconnects will not be affected adversly
- no abuse capabilitys by ill intended people/ griefers
- requires no upkeep by anet
- will dicourage botting; and leeching to a lesser extent
- no more griefing over botters
-some inconvenience because it will require players to enter 2 characters and press enter upon start of a match
-botters/ leechers will QQ
The chance of my suggestion being applied to GW1 is slim at best; so I suggest it be incorporated in GW2.
Final thought on the inconvenience argument. Loosing 10 matches in a row because 50% of the team consists of botters and leechers; or repeatedly loosing by one point because of that single followbot that if it had not been there would have tipped the scales in your favor. Try that on for size compared to the discomfort you might experience by having to insert 2 characters and press enter.
The report system is broken and people dont tend to use it.
So here is how it works:
Characters that spawn at the start op the countdown before the match are locked in place; and cant move. During the countdown two 2 to 3 character boxes will appear on screen. One empty; the other containing random numbers or letters. The player will be requested to fill the exact same digits as shown in the upper box into the empty lower box. Make it so that the digits can not be coppy/ pasted; but rather require manual insertion. Entering the correct code will unlcok movement. Anet can even go so far that unless this is done within a certain timeframe the character is booted out and replaced by a new one. Not unlocking the code will result in penalization.
Botters aim to run macros while being afk; They run programs 24/7 inmemsly irritatigna and frustrating the community. This messure kills botting on the spot. Leeching however will still be possible; but will require active participation; and I doubt leechers have the stamina to do it for hours on end. The days when people could endlessly run a program while afk will be a thing of the past.
Its a system that needs no upkeep whatsoever. It wont totally stop leeching; but will strongly discourage it; for people wont be able to run a macro and leave it at that. Playing in these type of arenas will require active participation on a players part.
- 60 second countdown gives enough time to activate code (even when lagging).
- botters will be cikced and penalized at the start of a match
- people with disconnects will not be affected adversly
- no abuse capabilitys by ill intended people/ griefers
- requires no upkeep by anet
- will dicourage botting; and leeching to a lesser extent
- no more griefing over botters
-some inconvenience because it will require players to enter 2 characters and press enter upon start of a match
-botters/ leechers will QQ
The chance of my suggestion being applied to GW1 is slim at best; so I suggest it be incorporated in GW2.
Final thought on the inconvenience argument. Loosing 10 matches in a row because 50% of the team consists of botters and leechers; or repeatedly loosing by one point because of that single followbot that if it had not been there would have tipped the scales in your favor. Try that on for size compared to the discomfort you might experience by having to insert 2 characters and press enter.
so you suggest something like a captcha codes? I agree that it will reduce botting but I do not see it reducing leeching. Leechers usually enter a game and they do leech on 4-5 accounts at the same time. They will be typing codes as they enter then move their attention to another account. Codes will be nuisance for them and nothing more. However it will be annoying for all normal players. The question is it worth it? I mean to implement something actually annoying for everyone to reduce botting? Of course if botting is immense then yes but if not is there really a point?
Oh god, captcha is certainly a good idea, but it will be a real annoyance to all pvp players. Having to type in a code before EVERY random arena match will be extremely annoying.
In that case i suggest you go try out some of those arenas and find out how anoying the botting/ leeching has become. People dont report anymore. Be it because they are new and dont seem to know how to; or out of fear of getting dishonor themselves.
Besides i dissagree.The leechers you discribe in general also run macros but are to lazy or dumb enough to actually write a bot macro. Make it so that people cant just wirte a piece of program go work on their tan and max a title without ever playing a single match.
My suggestion is even less of a hassle than the current report system and requires no upkeep from anet whatsoever. Not that they have done that with the current system anyway.
If all it takes to get rid of those pests is for me to type 2 digits and press enter at the start of a match; gladly.
Besides i dissagree.The leechers you discribe in general also run macros but are to lazy or dumb enough to actually write a bot macro. Make it so that people cant just wirte a piece of program go work on their tan and max a title without ever playing a single match.
My suggestion is even less of a hassle than the current report system and requires no upkeep from anet whatsoever. Not that they have done that with the current system anyway.
If all it takes to get rid of those pests is for me to type 2 digits and press enter at the start of a match; gladly.
I think this is a good idea, would reduce irritation in JQ, at any rate
It may be slightly annoying to regular PvPers but as you said the report system does not work, and can even backfire on players who aren't abusing it/PvP.
I guess that a lot of people who actually leech AB/JQ ect would be stopped but I'd assume that people who really have nothing better to do could find a way round it/write a program on it.
Good Idea tho.
It may be slightly annoying to regular PvPers but as you said the report system does not work, and can even backfire on players who aren't abusing it/PvP.
I guess that a lot of people who actually leech AB/JQ ect would be stopped but I'd assume that people who really have nothing better to do could find a way round it/write a program on it.
Good Idea tho.
In that case i suggest you go try out some of those arenas and find out how anoying the botting/ leeching has become. You must not participate much in these arenas for you dont have a clue. People dont report anymore. Be it because they are new and dont seem to know how to; or out of fear of getting dishonor themselves.
Newsflash for you: I do play in all those areas and in my opinion "real" bots are in minority there. I hardly see any of those and I do play a lot.
Leechers on the other hand are there in lots.
Besides i dissagree.The leechers you discribe in general also run macros but are to lazy or dumb enough to actually write a bot macro.
If they used macros I would not get a reply or get automated one which will be clearly obvious when you ask a non-standard question.
What this macro would do in your opinion? Just click enter? From what I saw they do not move anymore after battle starts anyway... For those I described your solution will not work. The guy has 4-5 screens in his tech department, he lechees using all accounts and screens he have. He will type all the digits in no time as if nothing happened.
Hard to say how many of those there are but some at least.
If they were actually using a macro then I think it would be botting not leeching . There are like those there as well. In this case I agree your solution will help and clear them out.
Make it so that people cant just wirte a piece of program go work on their tans and max a title without ever playing a single match.
My suggestion is even less of a hassle than the current report system and requires no upkeep from anet whatsoever. Not that they have done that with the current system anyway. Most players dont even know how to use the report system. |
For you botting maybe worse than typing digits before every match, for me botting is worse as well but for some might be the other way.
Talk about annoying. Anoying is loosing a match by one point cause you had a bot tagging along doing nothing whatsoever; or starting a match and loosing over and over again 10-2 because half the team consited of leechers and bots. Thats annoying; irritating and frustrating. Its the leechers and bots that kill the fun. I say away with them. And if all it takes is for me to type 2 digits at the start of a match; gladly.
Bob Slydell
In my 3 years I have seen leechers in AB and RA, but only saw one bot one time and that was in AB.
Captch in-game? No thanks... I hate it enough on web pages.
Assasin Foxx
It will be really annoying having to type a code in every 5 mins.
And what pray tell will that help the poor laggers or peeps with wild pings? if i want to play with friends i have to go to aed districts. and i usually lag 90% and half of that is at the teleporter to get down to the amber shrines. :-:
captcha could be used to test players randomly, not necessarly everytime they enter in mission.
Could even be used at end of mission before getting rewards, with a timeout.
Or : captcha would be triggered at end of mission for a player if he get reported for botting.
Could even be used at end of mission before getting rewards, with a timeout.
Or : captcha would be triggered at end of mission for a player if he get reported for botting.
What about when you first enter the outpost or something? I understand that the bot user could just enter the code in once, then go afk, but it should put a slight hinderance in it. Just an idea.
I think in general people are oblivious to the number of bots that frequent these arenas. My flavor of game is JQ and I play it often. I have plenty of time to observe characters. On average I come across at least one bot/ leecher every match. Mind you nowadays they dont just stand around. There is an overwheling amount of monk bots that spam Fallback from the start running back an forth to every other portal; and than leave the portal just before the countdown hits 0; so that when you teleport (ussualy the yellow shirne) there is no one there to run the team; or they wont run members upon teleporting and casually walk to the top ranger shrine and engage them. Another filthy example is the bot that targets the base shrine but wont move afther teleporting i.e. unless you notice it on time; your base shrine will be left wide open for the oposing team to cap. There are even warrior bots that run all over the place engaging the first enemy they come across; but wont use a single skill; not to mention the followbots or the ones that will engage a particular shrine and continuesly commit suicide on it. I remember a while ago the warrior iway bots in RA. It became a plague of such proportions it nearly killed RA.
I have noticed lately that if you dont move in JQ for a certain amount of time you automatically get dishonor. Bot macro's have therefore become more elaborate.
In other words. Open your eyes. Observe; and you will notice that there is a whole lot rotten in Denmark.
Regarding the lag argument. Upon the start of a match there is a 60 second countdown before teleporting. I have never encounterd lag that lasts 60 seconds; so the argument that people wont be able to punch in 3 digits due to lag wont fly.
Want to grab a bite; make a phonecall; go to the restroom; have a smoke? Do it BEFORE pressing the enter batlle button. 60 second countdown gives plenty of time to punchin 3 digits!
Regarding the dail-up argument: when I had dailup I played PVE. Want to play PVP? Upgrade! Dail up is no good in PVP!
I have noticed lately that if you dont move in JQ for a certain amount of time you automatically get dishonor. Bot macro's have therefore become more elaborate.
In other words. Open your eyes. Observe; and you will notice that there is a whole lot rotten in Denmark.
Regarding the lag argument. Upon the start of a match there is a 60 second countdown before teleporting. I have never encounterd lag that lasts 60 seconds; so the argument that people wont be able to punch in 3 digits due to lag wont fly.
Want to grab a bite; make a phonecall; go to the restroom; have a smoke? Do it BEFORE pressing the enter batlle button. 60 second countdown gives plenty of time to punchin 3 digits!
Regarding the dail-up argument: when I had dailup I played PVE. Want to play PVP? Upgrade! Dail up is no good in PVP!
What about when you first enter the outpost or something? I understand that the bot user could just enter the code in once, then go afk, but it should put a slight hinderance in it. Just an idea.
So yes; i'm less concerned about the cassual leecher; but I do however want that 24/7 bot running gold digging bastard banned for good!
i dont tend to report people because the big red letters saying "abuse of this feature will get you banned" it scares me off, what if i report and afk'er and he comes back?
a botter or a leecher in arena is just bad luck, report then get over know...its the internet, there will always be bots and leeches and griefers.
/notsigned as it might even be more annoying then the leeches/bots themselves.
/notsigned as it might even be more annoying then the leeches/bots themselves.
The point is that bot macros are made so that once running, the player can go afk for hours. These players are lazy bastards trying to max titles/ make faction without putting in an iota of effort. In gemeral the players that just sit there and leech are noobs that lack the skills to actively participate in a match. Besides they lack the stamina to leech for hours on end. Bots on the otherhand run 24/7 non stop.
So yes; i dont care about the cassual leecher; but I do however want that 24/7 bot running gold digger bastard banned for good! |
Correct, they just want to max titles at the expense of others when it comes to faction farming in JQ,
Anet's report system is all wrong, espically that new update where 2/3's of the your team must report said person, or you can end up with dishonor, hence why no one reports anymore.
The banning thing is pointless, people just move to a new account etc, and farm more,
If you are caught using a macro/bot script to farm faction you should have 50% of your total faction farmed removed from you,
So if you have Macro'd your way to 5mill faction, you lose 2.5mill, that is the only warning you get, if they continue to use the bot/macro, Anet should remove there ability to gain faction full stop for 3 months.
Eh, something needs to be done but not something that will annoy the 70% or so of players who are not botting/leeching. There should be random monitoring, and probably some sort of check program that picks out botters/leechers by checking if they move at all and cast more than x amount of spells/skills, or something like that.
captcha codes is a horrible idea. They dont work. Get a newer downloader and use it to download from some free servers with captchas and you will see the folly. Bots can be programmed to recognize and fulfill captcha requests. Truth is, Anet could easily solve this by promoting certain players to online cops. While there is most certainly a potential for abuse, the game would start policing itself better and reporting would not be so hazardous.
Devastating Flames
the codes sounds like a good idea but it will be annoying and what happens if some ones dc when loading in or if they lag at the start were they cant respond i think the risk of getting the non lecher will get banned more then the botters because of the lag issue ppl that bot may just type code and walk away as if some one laggs out then what happens? good idea just needs some fine tuning i like it and if anent would change the rule that if not more then 50% of the team reports the person a lecher u get dishonorable that another reason why there have been so many botters now. glad ppl are starting to get tired of the leeching problem maybe anet will solve it for a while. but a solution still is only minimum months away anets got all their ppl worken on gw 2 atm
Devastating Flames
now thats an idea but instead on a player cop have a team captain for eg. the leader of the party is that teams captain any leechers can be kicked by the leader during battle now. sure if some ppl are fighting and the leader wants him gone he cant just kick. if they miss use the feature they get punished but i like ur idea theirs some then there
/notsigned because I don't feel I should be punished with captcha because of the actions (or, rather, inaction and scripted-action) of others.