What is the min-average price on this, and what mods would bring the ideal rate / would mods matter?
Currently: 9-41 - Furious 10% - 15%<50 - _____
Draconic Scythe Req9
Creeta the Tank
5k maxed so about 4k
Zanagi Kazuhiko
25k-60k really depends on buyer...maybe more.
Creeta the Tank
Zanagi Kazuhiko
for green it is wroth 4-5k
Don't worry about mods - don't listen to the low PC (as people are not paying attention to the part about you "modding" so obviously it is gold)....
friend sold one fast the other day for 50k
friend sold one fast the other day for 50k
45-55k seems to be the range now but as StueyG said, his friend sold for 50k...the price must be settling.