i want to finish some pvp'armors quickly, so i need ur help :
so, i buy all of your rewards
what's the price?
1k = 1 reward
after your AT, just pm me, and i will back into your GH and pay the next rewards.
i can pay in cash, ectos or zkeys if u want.
how we can do that?
before each AT, guest me into your GH.
- add me to your team
- do "join"
- do "cancel"
- kick me and take ur mate
it's just for the 1st game, u dont need me to each others.
! i will not buying rewards if the time is under 5mn to join !
why buying rewards?
cause i'm not a patient player *_*
and i want to finish some character's set.
how much rewards i need?
~ 2500rp
what's your ingame name?
ing : Aspen Sea
what time?
GMT+1 , 24/7
HELP me plz ! >:3
i just buy "rewards" , no "cpoints" , idc.....
wtB 2500 Rewards