hey, it would be appreciated if i could get a price check on a :
q13 purple crystalline with inherant 13% while in stance .
Thanks =)
q13 purple crystalline 13% while in stance
..............10-15k imo
Malice Black
10-15K is a rather low estimate, but what do I know 
Start at 10k and then let people bid, once you have an indication as to the interest you can then set your B/O. Don't expect a lot as insc (cheap nasty version) kinda screwed over the good old school crystalline.
Start at 10k and then let people bid, once you have an indication as to the interest you can then set your B/O. Don't expect a lot as insc (cheap nasty version) kinda screwed over the good old school crystalline.
Thanks, i never expected that much for it in the first place. i jsut had no idea what it was worth. thanks again ^^
80-100k imho.
Mad Woody
Not really 100k (unless lucky) but you can pull 60-80k with it for sure.