I am need a price check on these items. I am new to the selling market & have no idea how much stuff is worth or if it worth me even trying to sell it. Can you tell me how much each #item is worth or just tell me I am better off just selling to NPC merchant. (when giving me a price please use the # so I know which one you are talking about.)Thx for all your help
White Wintersday Special Weapon:
#1-Candy Cane Bow: Piercing Dmg-15-15 (for skins)
Gold Items:
#2-Straw Effigy: Energy +12 (R-12 Spawning Power)
Halves skills recharge of Restoration spells (Chance 20%)
Armor +10 (vs. Piercing Dmg)
#3-Insightful Amber Staff of Shelter: Fire Dmg-10-18 (R-7 Channeling Magic)
Energy +10
Halves skills recharge of Curse spells (Chance 19%)
Energy +5
Armor +7 (vs. physical dmg)
#4-Jade Daggers: Piercing Dmg-5-17 (R-11 Dagger Mastery)
Dmg +15% (while health is above 50%)
#5-Insightful Cockatrice Staff: Cold Dmg-10-20 (R-8 Water Magic)
Energy +10
Halves casting time of Channeling Magic spells (Chance 20%)
Energy +5
Blue Items:
#6-Stalwart Jade Brothers Garb of Minor Soul Reaping
Gold Items:
#7-Radiant Yeti Rags of Superior Communing- w/
Energy +3 on chest
Energy +2 on legs
Energy +1 on any armor
Tonics & Other Special Items:
31-Snowman Summoners (was not sure if this was the same thing as frosty summoners)
38-Fruit Cakes
2-Vials of Absinthe
33-Spiked Eggnog
2-Witch’s Brew
8-Bottle of Rice Wine
Need a Price Check on some items
candy weps go for like 1-2k
well the others are for merch imo
special items= the standart price
well the others are for merch imo
special items= the standart price
On the armor sets salvage the runes you want and go to merch. Check the price with them. Then you can sell for a reduced price off of the sell price that is above what you could merch it for if that makes sense. If multiple runes are on piece salvage the more expensive one (check price before salvage)
Merch sells item for 500 gold
Merch buys item for 200 gold
You sell for 300-350 gold
Sugar and alcohol summoners has a going rate check the spam channels it really will not go far from what people are selling it currently
Under max damage items are usually not worth more then merch values or mods that are attached (unless it is a super rare item) Max damage Req 8 items are worth money
#2 is not wurth much at all 12 req is really high and it is in spawning which not many builds utilize unfortunately so I would merch.
#3 and # 5 under max so its merch food again
#4 has a high attribute but you should be able to squeeze a few K out of it 5k or so
Good luck to you
Merch sells item for 500 gold
Merch buys item for 200 gold
You sell for 300-350 gold
Sugar and alcohol summoners has a going rate check the spam channels it really will not go far from what people are selling it currently
Under max damage items are usually not worth more then merch values or mods that are attached (unless it is a super rare item) Max damage Req 8 items are worth money
#2 is not wurth much at all 12 req is really high and it is in spawning which not many builds utilize unfortunately so I would merch.
#3 and # 5 under max so its merch food again
#4 has a high attribute but you should be able to squeeze a few K out of it 5k or so
Good luck to you

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