So recently I decided to revisit using a pet on one of my old legacy 4 characters from prophecies years ago because of the cool new update buff (I thought it was fun to have a W/R with a pet when i was a n00b). So I grabbed Comfort and Feral Lunge and went out into the explorable area. The pet was lvl 11 and was literally kicking some lvl 18-20 asses with ease. I noticed that when I used feral lunge though that in the pet control window it looks like it functions like a buff. It lasts for 10 seconds and then ends, unless in that 10 seconds your pet attacks then he uses it and it ends instantly. So I noticed that it isn't worded like that in the description.
I was thinking this could be a new description:
Pet Attack. For the next 10 Seconds the next time your animal companion attacks, it deals +5...29...35 damage. If it hits a foe who is attacking, that foe suffers from Bleeding for 5...21...25 seconds"
It doesn't NEED to be implemented right now or anytime soon... but maybe included in the next update in the small bug fix list.
Just a small thought.