About 10 people looking for a new PvE/PvP guild



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2007

Uhh, that title may be kind of confusing but a few friends of mine are going to be following me to the guild I join as well most likely. So it's like a package type of bargain. We're mainly looking for a friendly, easy-going guild that has some experienced players in PvE and does some PvP things as well such as AB, FA, HA, GvG. None of us are ranked, though about two-three of us have experience in HA and GvG.

I've been playing for over 4 years now, on and off whenever I grab the time to. I've unlocked all skills and beaten all four campaigns on a few characters. Some of the others have beaten the games as well, though some of them also aren't that far yet. Most of us play a lot of different games as well, so we're not really looking for a guild that requires you to have a rank to HA/GvG, spend countless hours sending factions for the guild or even be on everyday. A lot of us also have jobs, so we're not going to be on call.

We're mainly looking for a guild that has some experienced players that are nice and friendly, does things like farm/dungeons/pvp, mature (hopefully 18+) but can also take jokes (not uptight), and have ventrilo (we have our own server so we're hoping you can come over to our ventrilo instead). I'm not really picky myself, but being that I'm speaking for over 10 people here, I'd like to have the guild that asks us to join them to have at least 10-20 active experienced players and are friendly and comfortable with meeting new people.

If you think you meet what I ask for, please private message me here and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Edit: I didn't think that many people would try to contact me about this, so I might just wait for different offers and have a talk with the others about it first. Might take a bit longer than I expected, sorry to anybody waiting for a quick response.

EDIT2: We all already found a lovely guild to migrate to. Thanks to all those that messaged me about their guild, and sorry to all those that I did not respond to.