PC on some gold items i got

the evil redbull

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2009

The Real Aka


hey everyone whats the price on

Gloom Shield of fortitude (r9 str)
inscription "luck of the draw"
received physical damage -5(chance:20%)

Sundering Gothic Axe of Fortitude (r10 axe)
armor penetration +20% (chance:20%)
inscription "strength and honor"
damage +15% (while health is above 50%)

Ebon Skull Longbow of Fortitude (r9 mark)
earth dmg
inscription "show me the money!"

Insightful Dolyak Prod Staff of Devotion (r9 air)
halves skill recharge of spell
energy +10
health +44(while enchanted)
energy +5
inscription "strength and honor"
damage +14% (while health is above 50%)

Fiery Long Sword of Enchanting (r9 sword)
fire dmg
damage +15% (while enchanted)
Enchatments last 20% longer

the evil redbull

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2009

The Real Aka

