Kurzick [SOS] Recruiting UWSC'ers, HM, Titles


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2009

Sins Of Shadows [SOS]


Kurzick Alliance Looking for active members!

We've got a few active members, fun and helpful, and we do different types of farms, such as Tombs, a tiny bit of DoA, regular UW, VSF, and I am hoping to get some of these people into UWSC. We don't use vent but we do use xfire.com, which is a little bit less complex to me, seeing as I never used vent. Before you PM me, please understand that these are all works in progress, and if you join that will only make it go quicker.
We are the alliance leaders of an active alliance, and we also are trying to get into HA and GvG a little bit, but not worrying to much about it. If you're one of the first few who gets in that enjoys HM and title hunting, please understand we're still a growing guild.

If anyone's interested, my IGN is Assassin Chick Guy. PM me ingame, I'm on alot.