idea: 600/smite variant with both Me/Mo using SoI and Mimicry


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2009

There are variants of 600/smiter team builds using for smiter Me/Mo with elite Signet of Illusions (see 600/Smite_UW and 600/Smite_CoF). There are also 600 Me/Mo builds. My idea is - what about create 600/smiter build with 600 Me/Mo and smiter Me/Mo. One would use SoI as elite (probably 600, he would need use it often), other (probably smiter) would use SoI by copying it with Arcane Mimicry and therefore can have some other spell elite. Also both 600 and smiter can effective use any Me or Mo spell at attribute level 14-16 and have advantage of Fast Casting. In extreme version both can have Arcane Mimicry and therefore both use one other elite (but Arcane Mimicry has so long recharge that it probably does not fit much to 600 Me/Mo skill bar).

Smiter will carry 4 enchantments maintained on 600 + Rebirth+ 1 elite + Arcane Mimicry + one free slot. Arcane Mimicry 60s recharge looks scary, but remember SoI effect does not expire. Therefore if you use non-spell skill in free slot, cast SoI just before Mimicry ends and than you can cast three times your elite spell in 60s gap while mimicry is recharging, which is for elites with 20s+ recharge all you need. And also you can pre cast SoI before battle. If you really need more you can even wait 60s to Mimicry recharge and still enter battle with 3 uses of SoI precasted, but it probably won't be necessary.

Illusions 12 + 1 + 3
Fast Casting 12 + 1

Elite and optional skill:
- Shield of judgement + (Ether Signet or Essence Bond)
- Visions of Regret + (Ether Signet or Essence Bond)
- (Energy Drain or Power Leech) + (Purge Signet or Finish Him!)
- Power Leech + Cry of pain
- Power Leech + (Signet_of_Clumsiness or Leech Signet) for two interrupts

If smiter have hex spell (Visions of Regret, Power Leech), the 600 Me/Mo may consider to take Cry of pain.

If smiter have hex spell (
Visions of Regret, Power Leech), the 600 Me/Mo may consider to take Cry of pain.

Ether Signet or Leech Signet use Inspiration Magic 3+1, or sacrifice 1-2 points from Fast Casting to get it higher.

Probably not so good combinations:
- (
Energy Surge or Ray of Judgment) + Ether Signet or Essence Bond
Lyssa's Aura + some spamable spell in optional slot (can only twice use SoI effect so better be Illusions)
Echo + some spell (3 times can use SoI effect)

EDIT: This build with 600 Me/Mo does not work well if
Spell Breaker would be used so where SB is necessary better use primary Mo (or Rt?) as a 600 tank. Smither still can be Me/Mo using SoI as elite and can copy SB from 600 tank and cast it on him back. In that case:SB from smiter last 18 * 1.2 = 22s
SB from 600 tank last 15 * 1.2 * 1.32 = 24s
therefore can be kept continuously on tank for 24 + 22 + 24 = 60sBut I doubt it is in most situations worth it - if tank or smither use
Ancestor's Visage any enemy close to tank will be without energy soon. Thanks Mr.Kotte and Mesmer in Need for comments on this.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2008

The Warrior Priests [WP]


Clever, but it would be 5000x easier on a monk or even a rit. Having to verify SoI being up to cast your Prot Spirit, Spirit Bond, and Shield of Absorption would be very clunky and much harder on the tank. People are always looking for the easy way - this would only be useful if you have a mesmer main and you refuse to make a monk.

Mesmer in Need

Mesmer in Need

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


If the smiter Mimicked SB from the 600, they could cast it on them before they go in and give the tank time to cast their own SB in the middle of a fight. Other than that, I can't see it doing much good.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Been using a concept where I first have the monk SB me for 17 seconds at the same time I mimic it. When its about to run out, I know its time for me to cast my SB. With blessed aura and 16 DF it lasts for quite some time.

However, Its probably easier to go with another profession for 600-ing, like rit or monk.

Fate Crusher

Fate Crusher

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2006


Warlords Of The Underworld [WoTU]


So the 600 Me/Mo basically doesn't work at all in UW.

Spellbreaker is a must and i just remembered that when you're up against Coldfire Nights, you're ultimately healing youself with divine favour, which a mesmer will not have, because their attacks are so low they won't trigger the 60 damage, even with frenzy (this is even worse if you want to run it in NM)

but i like the idea, i've always tried to incorporate the smiter so they have at least something to do other than wait for a death