We're sorry, the page you requested could not be found. |
Test Krewe
Yes, if you'd read the thread you'd know the page has been taken down.
Seems like a good idea to widen the test group to the players, kind of like having a mini-beta for each update.
I may try and apply when the form is back up.
Seems like a good idea to widen the test group to the players, kind of like having a mini-beta for each update.
I may try and apply when the form is back up.

Ariena Najea
*will check back in the morning*
Thank you Martin for repeatedly informing us of the situation =)
Thank you Martin for repeatedly informing us of the situation =)
hope it gets back up soon, would be nice to try something like that since I have a weeeeeeeeeee bit toooo much time on my hands.
I'm still wondering why you have to name a character and not your account. It makes me think things like "perhaps they will only allow you to test with the character you named in the field". Therefore I'm glad that I could sent my application until now because I hope someone will tell us about this. Because if the testing is for the complete account I would name my first character which has been played longest, but if only one character will be allowed to test I would sign in with my only 3 year old ranger because I like it better and play it more.

I find it amusing that the number of threads here asking about information from A-net about the possibility of a content update soon, to complete and utter silence from Regina and Martin
Yet they've posted 5+ times in this thread alone, instead of replying in the threads asking the questions.
Anyways I'm awaiting the revamped page (version 3) before I can apply.
Yet they've posted 5+ times in this thread alone, instead of replying in the threads asking the questions.
Anyways I'm awaiting the revamped page (version 3) before I can apply.
Apollo Smile
I find it amusing that the number of threads here asking about information from A-net about the possibility of a content update soon, to complete and utter silence from Regina and Martin
Yet they've posted 5+ times in this thread alone, instead of replying in the threads asking the questions. Anyways I'm awaiting the revamped page (version 3) before I can apply. |
Our Asuran engineers have informed us that they're going to start working some of their special magic on the application form. We're taking it down while they go do that, and we'll have it up for you as soon as we can.
We're very sorry for the inconvenience. |
3 Asurans,4 opinions.
Cool Down
It doesnt work on any browser no matter what you try... it has been taken down
Thanks for the vigilance on letting us know what is going on with the app, hopefully we all will get our chance to impress or give you guys a good laugh with our applications
pumpkin pie
test crew for wot? actually....
from the wiki:
So What Are We Doing at the Moment? - 19 June 2009
Here’s a heads-up on some of the things we’re working on:
So What Are We Doing at the Moment? - 19 June 2009
Here’s a heads-up on some of the things we’re working on:
- Removing Heroes from GvG and HA. This is something that many players have been asking for for a long time. We still want people to be able to participate in the action even if they can’t field a full team, so we will replace Heroes with a bunch of new Henchmen. We are currently working on the details, so we can’t give you a concrete timeline, but we do know that we want you to be involved. We’re looking for suggestions on the skills you want to see for those Henchmen, so start thinking about those skill bars!
- Introducing a Guild Wars Live Test Krewe to help test upcoming updates and skill changes. We’re opening up the testing process to players, and if you are selected you will be able to access our test server and directly interact with our developers! We’ll put up an application form on our website once we finalize all the details. Two things in advance: due to legal reasons, you need to be at least 18 if you want to apply, and you need to speak and write English fluently.
Hmmm, all I got was "We're sorry, the page you requested could not be found.".
And since that was part of the GW Support pages, it was kind of a ::snicker::.
And since that was part of the GW Support pages, it was kind of a ::snicker::.
I am just gonna leave this opinion out in the open: This is not a good idea for the game, especially after seeing where they posted it (a common PvE sub-forum) and the fact they are trying to make it less serious by saying that non-realistic organisms are the cause of the problem (really shows what type of skill-balancing they are looking for...)
If the fate of PvP balance lies in the hands of those that actually get a chuckle from Anet's sense of humor, then everyone will just f'ing leave. If Anet were smart at all, they would post this shit in QQ forums. At least they would look like they haven't ran out of options, or a sense of seriousness. |
I could rant about GW's general treatment of PvP since Nightfall, but I think we all know where that would go.
Another Felldspar
You have to be 18 to enter into a legally binding contract and they've said there will be a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). If you're under 18 they can't hold you to the NDA. So, no minors.
Fril Estelin
I sense a little hesitation on the web-dev side at Anet
Looking forward to the form when it's ready.
Btw, I love the way Martin and Regina communicate on that topic, contining the "asuran" metaphor

Looking forward to the form when it's ready.
Btw, I love the way Martin and Regina communicate on that topic, contining the "asuran" metaphor
You guys, I'm going to close this thread. The Test Krewe page is not up and running and this thread is being largely used to troll and one-liners. When the page is up we can have another thread as people apply.