Xunlai Chest Summoning Stone
I think a storage chest summoning stone gift from Nicholas the Traveler would be great. For me, it would be nice to have the option of conjuring a storage chest while farming when all slots in inventory become full.
I agree. I often forget specific things that I need when it's too late, or very inconvenient to go back and grab it.
Yes, it would be nice, but ultimately I think it would be a bit too convenient for players. I don't think everything should be at our fingertips.
If the game isn't easy enough already, go play Sesame Street Adventures. The game has farming, and many people do it. However, the game is not about farming. If you can't remember to bring things you need/want, why would you remember to bring something like a Xunlai Summoning Stone? Unless they were extremely common, you wouldn't use them very much, so you'd soon complain that you need space to store them.
Seriously.... stop farming 10 hours a day, or make use of the things we already have. Mercantile Summoning Stones are already designed for farming.
Seriously.... stop farming 10 hours a day, or make use of the things we already have. Mercantile Summoning Stones are already designed for farming.
Seriously.... stop farming 10 hours a day, or make use of the things we already have. Mercantile Summoning Stones are already designed for farming.
And the merchant doesn't solve all the problems of filling your pack while on a long non-farming run if you don't wish to merch all mats, collectable drops, useful weapon mods, runes, etc. I find that my pack starts filling up with stuff I want to keep, leaving less and less room for stuff that I will merch.
I actually think it's a decent idea. Not for the farming aspect (ahem...bring a Superior Salvage Kit), but for simple convienence for accessing items in your storage when you want to.
x sithis x
lol why have bags then?
Ohh yeah this is a great idea, now vaettir farmers never have to leave the explorable area!
Ooh i forgot my consumables, never mind i got a storage stone!!
/nty not signed
i think this or sumthing simular has been suggsted before.
Ooh i forgot my consumables, never mind i got a storage stone!!
/nty not signed
i think this or sumthing simular has been suggsted before.
If the game isn't easy enough already, go play Sesame Street Adventures. The game has farming, and many people do it. However, the game is not about farming. If you can't remember to bring things you need/want, why would you remember to bring something like a Xunlai Summoning Stone? Unless they were extremely common, you wouldn't use them very much, so you'd soon complain that you need space to store them.
Seriously.... stop farming 10 hours a day, or make use of the things we already have. Mercantile Summoning Stones are already designed for farming. |
Zodiac Meteor
A level 24 chest? Add RoJ, SF, Echo, AP and Call to Abbadon. /signed
Yes, it would be nice, but ultimately I think it would be a bit too convenient for players. I don't think everything should be at our fingertips.
Umm unless you have been living under a rock, then you should know that with SF we DO have everything at our fingertips.
OP: It would make everything too convenient. With a merch stone and this xunlai stone, you would never need to head back to the outpost.
Axel Zinfandel
As long as it's a Mimic and kills you when you use it.
in other words
in other words
/would do nothing but /save time and /nothing else, couldn't be /any negative effects coming /from this at all, so i say /signed /HURRRRR DURRRRRRR SLASH THIS SLASH THAT
The Command Post doesn't have one.
Answer that and you'll answer why can't this be done.
The Command Post doesn't have one.
Answer that and you'll answer why can't this be done.
[Ah, herro there.]
Full inventory fix that Nick already provides.
If you need back into your chest that badly, just cut the run short. :/
Full inventory fix that Nick already provides.
If you need back into your chest that badly, just cut the run short. :/
I've never used a Mercantile Summoning Stone while farming. I use them when doing chain vanquishing, long dungeons, etc. Why would I want to use them while farming, given than most farming runs are very short duration and I can just unload my pack as I pass through the outpost when it becomes necessary? And how does a merchant help if I'm farming for something other than cash, such as collectables? I just don't see how they are "designed for farming" when it is pointless to use them while farming.
And the merchant doesn't solve all the problems of filling your pack while on a long non-farming run if you don't wish to merch all mats, collectable drops, useful weapon mods, runes, etc. I find that my pack starts filling up with stuff I want to keep, leaving less and less room for stuff that I will merch. |
I am curious as to 'why' Xunlai can't be in the Command Post though.

Xunlai chest isn't in Command Post because either it's a poorly designed location or there are technical difficulties in accessing account items data while outside outposts. If there are technical obstacles then they almost surely disallow such a summon.
But if it's doable without too much work then I don't see any single reason against it, although I wouldn't use it myself.
But if it's doable without too much work then I don't see any single reason against it, although I wouldn't use it myself.
Eh, too easy. They've already made this game so easy that the average 2 year old can dtsc for max kurzick, why make it any easier?
Zahr Dalsk
I think NOT, for bloody obvious reasons.
/not signed
/not signed
This wouldn't actually make the game any easier - just more convenient.
But as you noted, the farming that wouldn't find a Mercantile Stone useful wont' find a Xunlai Stone useful either. Since you rezone into a city often, why need Xunlai?
Yes, collectable items and mats are stackable and you are unlikely to fill a stack of any single item. However, the problem is that on a long run you may get many items. Say you do a vanquish starting from ToA and doing Black Curtain, Tallmark, Tears, and either Twin Serpents or Stingray before being able to get to an outpost with Xunlai. Think of how many different types of collectables, mats, and rare mats you will end up with. Plus any runes and mods worth keeping. You really end up hurting for space well before the end of such a run. The merchant stone helps, but the space available for merchfood dwindles rapidly.
"Wow, we are all at 45+ DP and a party wipe is imminent."
"Nobody has any DP removal???"
"No worries, I have a Xunlai Summoning Stone!"
"Nobody has any DP removal???"
"No worries, I have a Xunlai Summoning Stone!"
"Wow, we are all at 45+ DP and a party wipe is imminent."
"Nobody has any DP removal???" "No worries, I have a Xunlai Summoning Stone!" |
"Everyone is at 45DP"
"Good thing I brought a stack of powerstones!"
Because, newsflash, if you have enough money these days, you can pretty much do whatever you want.
Evasion Twenty
Can we say "Abuse"?
spirit of defeat
/not signed
We got Merchant Summon stone. That Gives chances enough to clear inventory.
We got Merchant Summon stone. That Gives chances enough to clear inventory.