LF Material Farmers



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007



I am looking for peope who farm materials/stackable items on a consistent basis. I would prefer buying large quantities at a time but will also take casual farmers who can only get 1-2 stacks a week.I would like to purchase about 10 Stacks of each at a time. However, I will buy whatever you can get me as long as it is a full stack(250).

Straight Materials
Iron - 3.5k/Stack
Dust - 3k/Stack
Bone - 1.5k/Stack ~~Please no more bone atm. I have bone out the wazoo~~
Feathers - 10k/Stack

Stackable Items:
Dark Remains - 17k/stack or 68g/ea
Demonic Remains - 7k/stack or 28g/ea
Shadowy Remnants - 4k/stack or 16g/ea
Saurian Bone - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea ~~Please no more bone atm. I have bone out the wazoo~~
Feathered Avicara Scalp - 3k/stack or 12g/ea
Frosted Griffon Wing - 2.5k/stack or 12g/ea
Quetzal Crest - 7k/stack or 28g/ea
Gold Doubloons - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Kournan Pendant - 9k/stack or 36g/ea
Azure Remains - 3k/stack or 12g/ea
Molten Eye - 9k/stack or 36g/ea
Phantom Residue - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Unctuous Remains - 10k/stack or 40g/ea
Ancient Eye - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Umbral Eye - 22k/stack or 88g/ea
Pile of Elemental Dust - 7.5k/stack or 30g/ea
Feathered Crest - 25k/stack or 100g/ea

Pm me in game at Melony Songbringer or here on guru and I will get with you as soon as possible.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007



bump I still need mats ^^