I'd like to get a price check on
I've been out of touch with GW for a long time, and I was hoping someone could tell me what these mean:
Thanks, folks.
Appraisal on one weapon + questions
Eric Deathshade
I would salvage the 20/20 sundering off that, axe itself is junk, sorry.
s/b means starting bid (offer to start with)
c/o means current offer (what the current bid is at)
r/b means reserve bid (the price they will not sell below)
b/o means bad odor... not really, it means buy out (the buy it now price)
s/b means starting bid (offer to start with)
c/o means current offer (what the current bid is at)
r/b means reserve bid (the price they will not sell below)
b/o means bad odor... not really, it means buy out (the buy it now price)