Ok, im sure you have all been in the likes of Kamadan when its ultra busy and your looking to buy or sell something so you hit P to bring you the Party Search screen, then suddenly you notice there are 200 trades listed.
Why can this not be split into 2 tabs, Selling and Buying, easy enough, everyone that types in WTS it auto goes under Selling, same with WTB goes under Buying.
(this would probably be more a GW2 than GW due to the time needed to introduce it)
In another game that my friends play, you can set something for trading and go AFK and it can be sold when you get back, basically you set what you want to sell, and put in what you want so for example
WTS Chaos Axe req 9 : 10 ecto
Someone comes along and your AFK they can put 10 ecto into the trade, and buy the Axe while your AFK, if they dont put in the 10 ecto, the game doesnt let the trade go in, this would also stop scamming where people would click accept before realizing they made a mistake, cause the buyer has to put exactly what you want into the trade window in order for the game to accept it.
Just a few ideas
This is basically the stall system seen in other,mainly free,MMO's and for GW there was the rumoured xunlai market which would essentially be this.
The first suggestion has been suggested before. Please search the forums before posting a new thread to make sure an idea hasn't been suggested before.
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Secondly, we don't allow "a couple of ideas" to be posted in a thread. Please familiarize yourself with with the rules for this section before posting any further.
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