The Ice Slayer Clan [ISC] has retired from Alliance oriented faction farming! One again Kurzick and back to "No Rules, No Requirements, No Drama", we are rebuilding with a base of 50-60 members and have joined a similarily oriented High End PvE Alliance. We use Ventrillo, have a website, and are mainly North American with a sprinkling of UK and European members. The Guild and Alliance strive towards organized groups for events such as FoW (SC and oldschool), UWSC, DOA, Urgoz Warren, The Deep, several of the EotN Dungeons, title grinding, HM missions, AB, DTSC, MQSC, Z Quests, Z Elite, vanquishing, and loot/material farming.
PM in game:
Angel Ice Slayer
Master Ice Slayer
Shulkor Vv
Una Shiva
Isabou Danjoou
[ISC] Recruiting Players for "High End" PvE