hi, i would like to have a price check on a few weapons.
1. Scepter of the forgotten (gold)
r9 divine
2. Ebon Kaineng axe of enchantment
req: 9
enchantment last 20% longer
+5 energie (not inscriptable)
3. Zealous Kamas of fortitude
req 9
+30 hp
15^50 (not inscriptable)
4. suddering Fellblade of fortitude
req 10
15^50 inscr
5. Vampiric Serpent axe of fortitude
req 9
15^50 inscr
6. wooden buckler (might be crap)
16 armor req 9 tactics
+1 healing (20% chance)
Thanks a lot
PC on req 9 weapons
The Female Necro
The Female Necro
I rly need a price check!