In need of PC
Froggy Scepter of Memory. Req 10 Energy Storage. Halves Skill Rech of Energy Storage Skills (20%). Inscription "Aptitude not Attitude" Halves casting time of Energy Storage spells (20%)
Everlasting Crate of Fireworks
Mini Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrggghh
Celestial Compass +12 Energy (Req 12 Domination) Inscription "Hail to the King"
Armor +5 While Health is above 50%
Mini Forest Minotaur
Adept Onyx Staff of Mastery Halves Skill Rech of spells (20%) +10 energy. Req 11 Inspiration Magic. Halves casting time of Inspiration Magic Spells (20%) Inspiration Magic +1 (19%) Inscription "To the Pain!" +14% Damage Armor -10 (While Attacking)
Everlasting Crate of Fireworks
Mini Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrggghh
Celestial Compass +12 Energy (Req 12 Domination) Inscription "Hail to the King"
Armor +5 While Health is above 50%
Mini Forest Minotaur
Adept Onyx Staff of Mastery Halves Skill Rech of spells (20%) +10 energy. Req 11 Inspiration Magic. Halves casting time of Inspiration Magic Spells (20%) Inspiration Magic +1 (19%) Inscription "To the Pain!" +14% Damage Armor -10 (While Attacking)
Meat WilD
Ev crate 40e
mini Balck beast 80k hard sell
CC 80k i think
mini Balck beast 80k hard sell
CC 80k i think
Thanks, and Bump
Total Lockdown
Everlasting Crate of Fireworks 70-80e maybe 90e
Mini Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrggghh - 80-110k
Mini Forest Minotaur - 10-15k
Mini Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrggghh - 80-110k
Mini Forest Minotaur - 10-15k
EL Crate is 35-40e
Black Beast is more like 70k
Its almost impossible to sell for higher. I finaly sold mine 2day for 70k
Black Beast is more like 70k
Its almost impossible to sell for higher. I finaly sold mine 2day for 70k
noo!, everlasting crate is like 100k--100k+10 ectos
Yeah I think I agree with Archlord. El Crate of Fireworks aint that much. Though I wish.
Yeah I think I agree with Archlord. El Crate of Fireworks aint that much. Though I wish.