Weaponsmith Farzi in Blacktide Den sells Adamantine shields with req 7 tactics (13 AL). It comes with +20 health and no inscription. I guess this could be decent (read cheappie) PvP starter shield for a Monk if you don't want to spend 100k for an AL 15 req7 shield or 100 ectos for an AL 15 req 7 shield.
Question 1: is this shield upgradable as well with a +30 HP handle? That would bring it to +50 HP, which would be really nice.
Question 2: assuming you cannot get to +50 HP, what is preferred for a PvP Mo/W: req 7 with AL 13 and +20 HP or req 8 with AL 15 and +30 HP?
Req7 Adamantine Shield
Answer 1: No
Answer 2: The req7 you mention is likely going to be rather inferior, due to no inscription slot and nonmax hp mod, though it does provide a superior AL boost if you can only afford 7 tactics.
You overestimate the cost of a req7 15AL shield though, if you're not fussed about skins you can pick them up for well under 10k.
Answer 2: The req7 you mention is likely going to be rather inferior, due to no inscription slot and nonmax hp mod, though it does provide a superior AL boost if you can only afford 7 tactics.
You overestimate the cost of a req7 15AL shield though, if you're not fussed about skins you can pick them up for well under 10k.