Guild Wars 2 Website
Heh 51 pages and over 1000 posts not bad for a topic started the other day. Not long to wait now for the fun to begin.
Ebony Shadowheart
I have the feeling you just talk about this game without actually playing it. I hope i am wrong and Anet will make such a good game i will be forced to buy it.
I play the game a couple of hours everyday; I'd play longer if I had the time, but like most people I have a full time job. After 3 and a half years, I've yet to lose interest in playing the game. I have goals I still want to reach, guildies/allies/friends that I adore playing with, and its just simply fun for me. I very much look forward to trying GW2, and if, for some reason, I don't like it, I'll return to GW1.
Honestly, if you think GW is dead or not worth the money/time, WHY are you still here?
Sounds like a good idea. Although, I think most of us are guilty of at least one count of flaming/trolling at some point.
just to put in perspective, GW was (and STILL is) more successful than Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, and Fury. COMBINED. it will likely outlast all three games... well, it has already outlasted Fury. GW is incredibly resilient to the test of time; there are dozens of games that have born, lived, and died in the 4 years of GW's existence, some of them much higher profile and much heavily marketed.
All i can think of is "In this land we have defended from all things dark and cruel. Now we are defenseless in a land where dragons rule" Dragonforce

Could everybody STOP the crap-chat about if GW1 is dead or not? that was just one opinion of one player, is not so important to argue that for 3 pages of a thread, a GW2 thread BTW.
so... It's 1:11 p.m. my time, have we gotten any more little bits of info yet?
chief lazy horse
This all nonsense about GW2 is typically Anet stuff, trying to keep ppl still interested on the subject. Considering NCSOFT is launching its game (Aion) in september i dont see GW2 coming out sooner than 2010's summer or autum. I wonder at that date how many people will still be interested to buy it. Rip GW!

Konig Des Todes
6 mil accounts, not 6 mil players. It would be closer to 2 mil players, active and inactive. At least halve it for active.
Besides, I was cutting out the three most active locations. You practically triple the amount. If not more. And probably would be more.
Needs more work!
Few of us are guilty of multiple accounts of flaming/trolling the game like Boris.
Besides, I was cutting out the three most active locations. You practically triple the amount. If not more. And probably would be more.
Needs more work!
Few of us are guilty of multiple accounts of flaming/trolling the game like Boris.
*Turns the steering wheel back on the road of ON-TOPIC*
So that latest concept art. pg
Looks like more Orr to me.
Color scheme is the same and if you look at the building, it sorta has the same design of the top of this Orr one: pg
So that latest concept art. pg
Looks like more Orr to me.
Color scheme is the same and if you look at the building, it sorta has the same design of the top of this Orr one: pg
No... He has a point, what have we gotten ? A few concept art and a flash of a dragon logo. The game will be released most likely 2010 - 2011. As for GW ? Time will tell.
Could everybody STOP the crap-chat about if GW1 is dead or not? that was just one opinion of one player, is not so important to argue that for 3 pages of a thread, a GW2 thread BTW.

Qing Guang
*Turns the steering wheel back ont he road of ON-TOPIC*
So that latest concept art. pg Looks like more Orr to me. Color scheme is the same and if you look at the building, it sorta has the same design of the top of this Orr one: pg |
Second guess would be more Ebonhawke, given the feather-like relief on the left side.
Ebony Shadowheart
*Turns the steering wheel back ont he road of ON-TOPIC*
So that latest concept art. pg Looks like more Orr to me. Color scheme is the same and if you look at the building, it sorta has the same design of the top of this Orr one: pg |
Anyway, if you look up in the upper left hand corner, you can see what looks like carved feathers. Makes me think of the back of the birds heads at the top of that gate. Looks like a wall up top with people standing there. It's just turned on an angle.
so when does gamescom start, and are we expecting any serious info? if so, when?
Ebony Shadowheart
^ awsome, thanks for the info!
Mmm, 5 hour nap. Good way to kill time
. If it weren't so hot in California I woulda had a good nap, gah.
Loving the news. It's like time travel.. From no news, sleep, to news. It's really quite brilliant, you all should try it out

Loving the news. It's like time travel.. From no news, sleep, to news. It's really quite brilliant, you all should try it out

Man i need to post more here.. Well The artwork Is probably Ebonhawke look the feathery things as someone already noticed me aswell but was to tired to post or it's Orr or .. well i don't know Great northern wall ? I don't have more idea's anymore.
Pretty sure it was confirmed to be Ebonhawke somewhere by ANet.
Nong Berry Pop
The anticipation is killing me!! I'm so happy ANet is finally going to show us something! It's like we're all a huge pack of rabid animal's being lured with some meat...go faster day!!
the first one been confirmed to be ebonhawke, the second small part that looks like something orrian is unknown.
Caelus The Fallen
they'll prolly release the english version on later in the day. bit too early for anet
Lucky I'm keeping myself busy, playing game on PS3 til 11ish (UK BST time) at night, then going to sleep and by the time I wake up, the trailer will have shown and hopefully be up for us to see ^_^
I'm mainly watching this thread incase Martin or Regina have anything to say or if there is anymore concept art posted ^_^
I'm mainly watching this thread incase Martin or Regina have anything to say or if there is anymore concept art posted ^_^
Konig Des Todes
Sha Noran
I predict people will look back on this day and remember that pretty logo on that otherwise blank website as a high point of Guild Wars 2.
What do ya think ANet? Want to start proving me wrong occasionally?
What do ya think ANet? Want to start proving me wrong occasionally?
GMT+2 isn't it? Europe is in CEST atm (and the UK is in BST: GMT+1. GMT is not the same as "UK time")
No, that was the last concept art piece. The newest one hasn't been confirmed (unless it was confirmed in the last 30 minutes). |

And about the concept art It couldn't be ebon hawk cause everyone would've slipped off if standing near the feather that is in close up if you look good to both pieces.
This one is currently unkown as of right now
I know but if you look at the Ebonhawke Artwork It doesn't resemble as you easily could slip off the Ebonhawk if you look good.
upper left corner... some sort of feathers? Scales? hmmm
awesome sauce
It looks like there's a waterfall in the background.
Hmm it looks like Orr But ALOT people already suggested Orr And it hasn't been Confirmed.
It can't be Ebonhawke standing at the place of feathers near the Ebonhawke concept art would let you fall down of the Ebonhawke.
It can't be Ebonhawke standing at the place of feathers near the Ebonhawke concept art would let you fall down of the Ebonhawke.