Insightful Winged Staff of Shelter
Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance 20%)
Energy +10
Holy Damage 11-22 (Requires 10 Smiting Prayers)
Armor +7 (vs. physical damage)
Inscription "Guided by Fate"
Damage +15% (while enchanted)
Energy +5
Furious Draconic Spear of Defense
Piercing Damage 14-27
Double adrenaline gain (chance 9%)
Armor +5
Inscription "To the Pain!"
Damage +15%
Armor -10 (while attacking)
The Shadestone (green)
Energy +12 (Requires 9 Blood Magic)
Halves casting time of spells (chance 10%)
Health +30
Grelk's Hammer (Green)
Blunt Damage 19-35 (Requires 9 Hammer Mastery)
Damage +15% (while in a stance)
Double adrenaline gain (Chance 10%)
Health +30
Price Checks Plerase :) Gold and Green