Ok I've 2 suggestions:
Panda(counts as pet? ^^)
my monk Lucy Gwyneth together with a Pandabear. The Panda is crawling on this back, while Lucy is on his belly hugging him. I would like to see alot of Lucy, so I guess it has to bee a biig faat pandabear This would be exactly the way Lucy would be looking (exept she is not a panda ) http://www.traveladventures.org/cont...nt-panda08.jpg So the treetrunk will be the panda and the panda lucy (hard huh! )
This would be preferably somewhere in a forrest with lots of bamboo.
Armor she should be wearing:
Elite Kurzick Chest (black)
Woven Pants (black, with gold ribbon, like elite kurzick)
Elite canthan shoes
No headthing, no gloves ^^
But if you are more inspired by some action, here is the second one ^^
Suggestion 2
I already requested this @ another artist who seems to have died, so I'm trying you

The idea is a ranger RIDING!

a White Moa <3 Some nice action shot ^^
I'll just give you the exact copy of the post so here we go

The request:
The scetch of the idea:
Idea on background:
Very keen on you picking me, so if you need any more info, don't hesitate contacting me!
Btw will this be drawn as crazy as Morag's para?