Farming in general does more people farming an area cause less drops?
With the addition of the traveler an assumption I have made years ago seems clearer. Basically what I assumed back then and still do today is that farming of locations are zone specific and affected by the number of people farming it. This special code reduces drops. Now elite areas I believe are exempt from this rule but basic areas are affected. Proof you ask is nothing more than going out after the traveler moves. For lucky ones that are online when the traveler moves you have an increased chance to get the collectibles he searches for. As time passes and more and more people farm the area the drops rate lessens.
Example- this week rot wallow tusks. Hot farming areas are Pongmei Valley and Mount Qinkai. You can tell by the amount of people exiting to the zone that these are the hot spots for farming. There are a lot of rot wallows on both areas. Well I tried these areas for an hour 30 min each zone with solo Ritulalist spirit poop build. And I yielded 1 rot wallow tusk. Only one tusk for an hour worth of farming. Well then I tired a less known spot and I yielded 5-8 per run I had twenty-five in less then 30 minutes. Call it luck if you wish I don’t. I have seen it before on other farms like stone carvings etc...
So here I ask (If someone can add a poll that would be great)
What are your thoughts on this?
A. I believe a reduced drop rate code exists and it is zone/number of people farming the area specific.
B. I think it is all luck
C. I think it is something else (please explain)
Example- this week rot wallow tusks. Hot farming areas are Pongmei Valley and Mount Qinkai. You can tell by the amount of people exiting to the zone that these are the hot spots for farming. There are a lot of rot wallows on both areas. Well I tried these areas for an hour 30 min each zone with solo Ritulalist spirit poop build. And I yielded 1 rot wallow tusk. Only one tusk for an hour worth of farming. Well then I tired a less known spot and I yielded 5-8 per run I had twenty-five in less then 30 minutes. Call it luck if you wish I don’t. I have seen it before on other farms like stone carvings etc...
So here I ask (If someone can add a poll that would be great)
What are your thoughts on this?
A. I believe a reduced drop rate code exists and it is zone/number of people farming the area specific.
B. I think it is all luck
C. I think it is something else (please explain)
Well then I tired a less known spot and I yielded 5-8 per run I had twenty-five in less then 30 minutes.
As for whether farming (or over-farming) affects the drops of other players, I'm not sure. You would have to consider differences between loot-scaled and non-loot-scaled items, but from my experience I haven't had any difficulty farming the items for Nicholas, regardless of whether it was at the time of his new location, during the week or the hours leading to his relocation, even in heavily-farmed areas. Therefore, it's more likely to be luck.
Painbringer, I'm not sure what causes it, but I have noticed this too. Look where farming has everyone hitting the door and then go somewhere else to find the drops. Maybe we're both hallucinating, and without statistics we can not prove that we are not. But it sure seems like that to me.
A. I have had these same suspicions.
I also think the amount of people in a zone affects drops one way or the other, but it's quite hard to prove it. Your example is probably something alot more people have had, but there are probably just as many opposite examples.
Ewa Kirch
A. for me too. I always seem to have better luck with drops (such as greens) when farming them out of peak play hours.
I have been MQSC'ing for the last 4 days - did seem to be a reduction in the number of tusks dropped after Nick started asking for them and as more people farmed them.
I have been MQSC'ing for the last 4 days - did seem to be a reduction in the number of tusks dropped after Nick started asking for them and as more people farmed them.
Perhaps I'm a newbie...
But, if we're farming in different instances, why would one farmer's farming influence another farmer's drops?
I mean, it's all instanced, isn't it?
But, if we're farming in different instances, why would one farmer's farming influence another farmer's drops?
I mean, it's all instanced, isn't it?
I don't think the number of instances affects any of the drops in an instance. There is no proof, and ANet has responded that there is no special code of this nature. What has happened in the past is that people have found somewhat better drops in some areas, like White Mantle in Riverside mission and the Ettins, and then drops in those areas were adjusted.
I received 4 in Pongmei Valley one run, 5 the next. Based on these results, I conclude that I'm stealing your drops.
edit: B. Luck
I received 4 in Pongmei Valley one run, 5 the next. Based on these results, I conclude that I'm stealing your drops.
edit: B. Luck
what i want to know is why can't ANET just TELL US what their farming code is? it would save us a lot of speculation and hassle. i guess it depends on what it is exactly, but it's not something that would be terribly easy to abuse right?
Because then we'd be able to optimize our farming runs and the guru QQ would be epic.
Its all luck and chance, do you think your getting robbed cuz you arnt getting kills? or will you do what anet told us to do along time ago which is....switch 3 runs, then go to the next farming area and repeat. even tho they "got rid of the farming code" i feel its still there and have been using this method since i started playing.
I often suspect the same thing. By "anti-farming code" they meant they just got rid of the popup telling you you triggered the anti-farming code
A. I've always had the same suspiction.
I think it works this way: More people going into the zone = fewer drops across the board and lesser quality. This means that any farming hotspot yields fewer and less valuable drops as the rate of people farming it increases. Most collectibles are only available in a handfull of places while others are available just about everywhere in a campaign. Location specific drops become harder to farm as the traveler week progresses. I think this pretty much confirms this suspiction.
Anyone with statistical data on drops for a zone should probably repeat tests when the traveller lands in that zone, just to see if there's a difference or not.
I think it works this way: More people going into the zone = fewer drops across the board and lesser quality. This means that any farming hotspot yields fewer and less valuable drops as the rate of people farming it increases. Most collectibles are only available in a handfull of places while others are available just about everywhere in a campaign. Location specific drops become harder to farm as the traveler week progresses. I think this pretty much confirms this suspiction.
Anyone with statistical data on drops for a zone should probably repeat tests when the traveller lands in that zone, just to see if there's a difference or not.
Galie had posted and SPECIFICALLY REFUTED that this urban legend existed years ago. And yet, people still believe it.
B. I think it is all luck
3 Runs, 7, 5 and 6 tusks in Pongmei Valley.
3 Runs, 7, 5 and 6 tusks in Pongmei Valley.
Might be possible they added something for Nick, but in general I doubt trophy drops are based on number farming zone.
I base this on personal experience farming raptors to R10 Asura on 4 characters, and always getting tons of saurian bones, especially when events items are dropping (zone even MORE heavily farmed). Raptors are farmed literally 24/7, so there should be almost no trophy drops, particularly during events.
However, I was a bit peeved when I farmed MQ for 2 accounts, and saw my trophy drops as follows, per run:
6, 4, 0, 1, 2, 4, 4*(last run I quit when I hit 20 tusks, and hadn't even killed 1/3 of the buggers). I then received another 3 tusks from each account on the short run to Nick...
I base this on personal experience farming raptors to R10 Asura on 4 characters, and always getting tons of saurian bones, especially when events items are dropping (zone even MORE heavily farmed). Raptors are farmed literally 24/7, so there should be almost no trophy drops, particularly during events.
However, I was a bit peeved when I farmed MQ for 2 accounts, and saw my trophy drops as follows, per run:
6, 4, 0, 1, 2, 4, 4*(last run I quit when I hit 20 tusks, and hadn't even killed 1/3 of the buggers). I then received another 3 tusks from each account on the short run to Nick...
It would be interesting if ANet implemented code to reduce drop rates in areas where more people are farming to encourage them to farm elsewhere.
Guardian of the Light
I thought the only farm gold that existed was the one that gave you only 1/8 the gold (money) drops but at the same time 8/8 of the item drops when you are alone so prices for items would decrease rather then increase (I remember when sup vigor was 100K) with farmers.
A. for me too. I simply cannot believ anything else. The results speak for themselves.
B. it's all luck
i'm one of the early ones in my allaince to get on the nich band wagon early. but unless its a super easy item(charr hides) it takes me hours to get a item. where a friend who is later to party can get them in under 3 hours. >>
i'm one of the early ones in my allaince to get on the nich band wagon early. but unless its a super easy item(charr hides) it takes me hours to get a item. where a friend who is later to party can get them in under 3 hours. >>
Nay of the Ether
totally agree. I have many occasions proving to me this is true but I'll point out the one you mentioned about the tusks. 1.5 hours at Mount Qinkai-3 tusks. After traveler left for about 5 minutes or so, 10 drops in 10 minutes...luck my ass -_-;
I've suspected A before, but seeing as some of my best drops have been when whatever I was doing was a Zquest I don't think it is actually true. The brain is a tricky thing, often draws patterns from randomness.
Fay Vert
I noticed a very poor drop rate for the tusks. But I don't think it is the number of people affecting my drops, because my inventory was filling up full of other stuff.
One thing I have found the closer you are to where you zoned in the lesser the quality drops if any at all. I've been zoning out at the Hatchery and going north also getting a chance at a nice green necro staff on the way to the rots just outside of Eredon Terrace. I get 2 to 3 a run this way where I used to get none per run when I exited out of Eredon Terrace. So I'm pretty sure there's a line in the sand before stuff starts dropping either distance or number of kills. I've noticed this when doing newbie areas in hard mode and initially when zoning out I don't get much if anything, once I've moved a lot and killed a lot then things start dropping and in all colors and quality.
what i want to know is why can't ANET just TELL US what their farming code is? it would save us a lot of speculation and hassle. i guess it depends on what it is exactly, but it's not something that would be terribly easy to abuse right?
I just know I get my fair share of good drops and number of drops and I play with 3 heroes all the time. Soloist scream about the number of drops they get because they think if they can solo they should get 8 drops and not just 1 lol. But, I don't think anyone should be able to solo in the first place so I think it's more than fair the amount of drops and quality they get regardless.
I firmly believe there is a drop quota system running, that clears every day.
Bug John
I remember when I started farming corsairs for scimitars when HM was introduced, I was among the first to farm there, and the drops were very good, but after one week of mass farming, drops were bad.
I did lots of runs, and clearly saw the quality of drops decreasing, I don't know what's behind this phenomenon, but I will never believe there is nothing until I see the code by myself.
On the other hand, Vaettirs have always been a great spot, with many gold and event item drops, but that's the only place where I haven't seen loot decreasing significantly.
I did lots of runs, and clearly saw the quality of drops decreasing, I don't know what's behind this phenomenon, but I will never believe there is nothing until I see the code by myself.
On the other hand, Vaettirs have always been a great spot, with many gold and event item drops, but that's the only place where I haven't seen loot decreasing significantly.
Riot Narita
B. It's all luck.
I get the same drops on average whether hundreds of people are farming, or there's no-one but me in the starting outpost. I've farmed some places to death, for weeks or even months, and seen no decline in the averages.
I consider all "reduced drops" theories to be superstitious mumbo-jumbo.
I get the same drops on average whether hundreds of people are farming, or there's no-one but me in the starting outpost. I've farmed some places to death, for weeks or even months, and seen no decline in the averages.
I consider all "reduced drops" theories to be superstitious mumbo-jumbo.
Fay Vert
Martin Alvito
Galie had posted and SPECIFICALLY REFUTED that this urban legend existed years ago. And yet, people still believe it.
OP: It's A, or at least it was at some time in the past. 55 Prot Bond farming proved that to me, as the ecto drop rate increased markedly if America got favor late at night (1-3 AM). I had a hard time believing that all the 4, 5 and 6 ecto runs from smite farming would distribute during off-peak American hours by pure chance. Never crunched the math on it, but that had to be at least a 1 in 50,000+ proposition by pure chance.
Aussie Boy
I have said this in the nic thread before and I stick by the diff drop rate.
If you farmed the points last weekend you would ususaly get lots of Tusks
Colecting them for nic this week the drop is way down.
Noticed this with most things nic wants but then it's still luck chucked in there as well.
If you farmed the points last weekend you would ususaly get lots of Tusks
Colecting them for nic this week the drop is way down.
Noticed this with most things nic wants but then it's still luck chucked in there as well.
Miniature Polar Bears do not exist. There is no such item.
and explicitly going out of your way to refute stuff about a basic game mechanic on several different threads over the course of a year.
Definitely B. As somebody who has studied math, I know people have a tendency to see patterns in true randomness. The next person who says "but computers can't make things random" gets a giant mathematical pimp slap where I post the refutation of that since they clearly don't understand what that means. That is one of the most overquoted and misunderstood statements on the internet.
pumpkin pie
that is a question i often ask myself. if it is true, than the reason why I only get 89 gold from killing almost half of everything in the Sparkfly Swamp yesterday is not a mystery anymore. Left after that, but i am sure if i kill everything and return to the outpost, i would have 3 white item and 89 gold split 8 ways. true story, i swear!
Bug John
Definitely B. As somebody who has studied math, I know people have a tendency to see patterns in true randomness. The next person who says "but computers can't make things random" gets a giant mathematical pimp slap where I post the refutation of that since they clearly don't understand what that means. That is one of the most overquoted and misunderstood statements on the internet.
I remember two persons farming the same area with similar builds, entering at the same time, and getting similar drops (same gold items with same req and same mods, same amount of gold...)
btw, for someone who "has studied maths", you're rushing into conclusions without any kind of data to justify them
Fay Vert
I'm with HawkofStorms. Bug John needs a slap
**** SLAP ****
**** SLAP ****
Saldonus Darkholme
Reverend Dr
Galie had posted and SPECIFICALLY REFUTED that this urban legend existed years ago. And yet, people still believe it.
2) Over the years Gaile's forum activity has consisted of teasers that are ultimately useless and giving false information because she "misunderstood" the developers.
Have you ever noticed that whenever you want something it seems like it doesn't drop as much? It's like the game knows what you're thinking and specifically changes the drop rate on that item to spite you.
This is what I believe and my drops support this theory.
This is what I believe and my drops support this theory.
I thought it was pretty weird when Nicolas wanted scale fins and I was hardly getting a droprate of 3 per area in places I'm used to seeing plenty per 2-4 kills. So I'm pretty certain farming rates do get affected.
Martin Alvito
There is a difference between not being aware of an item that has been in the game for all of 3 hours...
and explicitly going out of your way to refute stuff about a basic game mechanic on several different threads over the course of a year. |
Whoever implemented the drop code has every incentive to lie if the statement is not easily falsifiable. Conduct a controlled experiment with sufficient data to demonstrate that the hypothesis isn't true, and I'll believe you. Until then, I'll stick with the implications of the data I have, thanks.
As somebody who has studied math, I know people have a tendency to see patterns in true randomness.
But poker is a well-specified mathematical process. Deductive logic enables us to write off the incident as "stuff happens." Drop rates are not well-specified, and so we have to induct from available data. Given evidence that tends to confirm the hypothesis, should I believe the evidence or the word of someone who has previously been misinformed? Do you believe the propaganda of the Chinese government? (Or that of your own?)
Just because the PR person shouts it loudly doesn't mean it's true.
The next person who says "but computers can't make things random" gets a giant mathematical pimp slap where I post the refutation of that since they clearly don't understand what that means. That is one of the most overquoted and misunderstood statements on the internet.
Conclusion: you like making bad assumptions.