I know it's a lot to look through but I could use the help. Anything anyone can PC is greatly appreciated. Thanks! Also, if any of these were perfect, would you be able to tell me their values as well?
Ebon Ornate Scimitar of Enchanting
Earth Dmg: 15-22(Q12 Sowrdsmanship)
Enchantments last 19% longer
Inscription: "To the Pain!"
Damage +15%
Armor -10(while attacking)
Aureate Aegis of Valor
Armor: 16(Q11 Motivation)
Health +59(while Hexed)
Inscription: "Pure of Heart"
Reduces Poison duration on you by 20%(Stacking)
Ancient Axe
Slashing Dmg: 6-28(Q10 Axe Mastery)
Inscription: "Show me the money!"
Improved sale value
Wailing Staff of Death Magic
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Cold Dmg: 11-22(Q12 Death Magic)
Death Magic +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Inscription: "Show me the money!"
Improved sale value
Ominous Eidolon
Energy +12(Q9 Domination Magic)
Inscription: "Sleep Now in the Fire"
Armor +10(vs. Fire damage)
Swift Air Staff
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Lightning Dmg: 11-22(Q12 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of spells (Chance: 10%)
Inscription: "Show me the money!"
Improved sale value
Adept Arcane Staff of Devotion
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Chaos Dmg: 11-22(Q11 Fast Casting)
Halves casting time of Fast Casting spells(Chance: 20%)
Health +44(while Enchanted)
Inscription: "Strength and Honor"
Damage +14%(while Health is above 50%)
Zealous Embossed Scythe of Defense
Slashing Dmg: 9-41(Q9 Scythe Mastery)
Energy gain on hit: 1
Energy regeneration -1
Armor +5
Inscription: "Too Much Information"
Damage +15%(vs. Hexed foes)
Flame Artifact of Fortitude
Energy +12(Q13 Fire Magic)
Health +30
Inscription: "Hail to the King"
Armor +5(while Health is above 50%)
Cruel Bludgeoner of Shelter
Blunt Dmg: 19-35(Q13 Hammer Mastery)
Lengthens Deep Wound duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Armor +7(vs. physical damage)
Inscription: "Too Much Information"
Damage +14%(vs. Hexed foes)
Vampiric Ram's Hammer of Shelter
Blunt Dmg: 19-35(Q10 Hammer Mastery)
Life stealing: 5
Health regeneration -1
Armor +7(vs. physical damage)
Inscription: "Don't Think Twice"
Halves casting time of spells(Chance: 10%)
Tribal Shield of Fortitude
Armor: 16(Q13 Command)
Health +30
Inscription: "The Riddle of Steel"
Armor +10(vs. Slashing damage)
Crippling Ancient Daggers of Enchanting
Piercing Dmg: 7-17(Q12 Dagger Mastery)
Lengthens Crippled duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Enchantments last 20% longer
Inscription: "Measure for Measure"
Highly salvageable
Zealous Composite Shortbow of Fortitude
Piercing Dmg: 15-28(Q9 Marksmanship)
Energy gain on hit: 1
Energy regeneration -1
Health +29
Inscription: "Don't fear the Reaper"
Damage +19%(while Hexed)
Elemental Sword of Warding
Slashing Dmg: 15-22(Q9 Swordsmanship)
Armor +7(vs. elemental damage)
Inscription: "Measure for Measure"
Highly salvageable
Insightful Clairvoyant Staff of Defense
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Chaos Dmg: 11-22(Q10 Domination Magic)
Energy +5
Armor +5
Inscription: "Don't Think Twice"
Halves casting time of spells(Chance: 10%)
Water Staff of Deathbane
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Cold Dmg: 11-22(Q12 Water Magic)
Inscription: "Dance with Death"
Damage +14%(while in a Stance)
Dmg +19%(vs. undead)
Protective Staff of Endurance
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Holy Dmg: 11-22(Q10 Protection Prayers)
Health +43(while in a Stance)
Inscription: "Brawn over Brains"
Damage +14%
Energy -5
Icy Salient Daggers of Dagger Mastery
Cold Dmg: 7-17(Q13 Dagger Mastery)
Dagger Mastery +1(19% chance while using skills)
Inscription: "Too Much Information"
Damage +14%(vs. Hexed foes)
Adept Water Staff of Devotion
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Cold Dmg: 11-22(Q11 Water Magic)
Halves casting time of Water Magic spells(Chance: 19%)
Health +43(while Enchanted)
Inscription: "Measure for Measure"
Highly salvageable
Cruel Sai
Piercing Dmg: 7-17(Q12 Dagger Mastery)
Lengthens Deep Wound duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Inscription: "Don't Think Twice"
Halves casting time of spells(Chance: 9%)
Slashing Dmg: 15-22(Q12 Swordsmanship)
Inscription: "Guided by Fate"
Damage +14%(while Enchanted)
Aureate Lamp of Devotion
Energy +12(Q11 Divine Favor)
Health +43(while Enchanted)
Inscription: "Riders on the Storm"
Armor +10(vs. Lightning damage)
Icy Stoneshard Hornbow of Enchanting
Cold Dmg: 15-28(Q11 Marksmanship)
Enchantments last 20% longer
Inscription: "Guided by Fate"
Damage +15%(while Enchanted)
Iridescent Prism of Swiftness
Energy +12(Q11 Energy Storage)
Halves casting time of spells(Chance: 9%)
Inscription: "Serenity Now"
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 10%)
Bleached Skill of Valor
Energy +12(Q10 Soul Reaping)
Health +60(while Hexed)
Inscription: "Survival of the Fittest"
Armor +5(vs. physical damage)
Defensive Illusory Staff of Valor
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Chaos Dmg: 11-22(Q9 Illusion Magic)
Armor +5
Health +59(while Hexed)
Inscription: "Aptitude not Attitude"
Halves casting time of Illusion Magic spells(Chance: 19%)
Defensive Boneclaw Staff of Mastery
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Cold Dmg: 11-22(Q13 Death Magic)
Armor +5
Death Magic +1(Chance: 19%)
Inscription: "Guided by Fate"
Damage +15%(while Enchanted)
Earth Scroll
Energy +12(Q10 Earth Magic)
Inscription: "Pure of Heart"
Reduces Poison duration on you by 20%(Stacking)
Sharktooth Shield of Devotion
Armor: 16(Q9 Tactics)
Health +43(while Enchanted)
Inscription: "Swift as the Wind"
Reduces Crippled duration on you by 20%(Stacking)
Righteous Maul of Shelter
Blunt Dmg: 19-35(Q13 Hammer Mastery)
Armor +7(vs. physical damage)
Inscription: "Don't fear the Reaper"
Damage +19%(while Hexed)
Imposing Scepter of Quickening
Chaos Dmg: 11-22(Q13 Domination Magic)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 10%)
Inscription: "Have Faith"
Energy +5(while Enchanted)
Hypnotic Scepter of Quickening
Chaos Dmg: 11-22(Q12 Illusion Magic)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 10%)
Inscription: "Too Much Information"
Damage +15%(vs. Hexed foes)
Crippling Stilletos of Enchanting
Piercing Dmg: 7-17(Q11 Dagger Mastery)
Enchantments last 19% longer
Inscription: "Strength and Honor"
Damage +14%(while Health is above 50%)
Zealous Foehammer of Shelter
Blunt Dmg: 19035(Q10 Hammer Mastery)
Energy gain on hit: 1
Energy regeneration -1
Armor +7(vs. physical damage)
Inscription: "Don't Think Twice"
Halves casting time of spells(Chance: 10%)
Bone Charm of Valor
Energy +12(Q10 Death Magic)
Health +58(while Hexed)
Inscription: "Knowing is Half the Battle."
Armor +5(while casting)
Reinforced Defender
Armor: 16(Q13 Motivation)
Inscription: "Cast Out the Unclean"
Reduces Disease duration on you by 20%(Stacking)
Insightful Holy Staff of Enchanting
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Fire Dmg: 11-22(Q13 Divine Favor)
Energy +5
Enchantments last 19% longer
Inscription: "Measure for Measure"
Highly salvageable
Guardian Branch of Quickening
Earth Dmg: 11-22(Q9 Earth Magic)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 10%)
Inscription: "Brawn over Brains"
Damage +14%
Energy -5
Grim Cesta
Energy +12(Q13 Death Magic)
Inscription: "Like a Rolling Stone"
Armor +10(vs. Earth damage)
Earth Wand of Quickening
Earth Dmg: 11-22(Q13 Earth Magic)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 9%)
Inscription: "Don't call it a comeback!"
Energy +7(while Health is below 50%)
Heavy Melon Hammer of Hammer Mastery
Blunt Dmg: 19-35(Q12 Hammer Mastery)
Lengthens Weakness duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Hammer Mastery +1(19% chance while using skills)
Inscription: "Dance with Death"
Damage +14%(while in a Stance)
Poisonous Spiked Recurve Bow
Piercing Dmg: 15-28(Q9 Marksmanship)
Lengthens Poison duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Inscription: "Guided by Fate"
Damage +15%(while Enchanted)
Smiting Rod of Memory
Holy Dmg: 11-22(Q9 Smiting Prayers)
Halves skill recharge of Smiting Prayers spells(Chance: 20%)
Inscription: "Hale and Hearty"
Energy +5(while Health is above 50%)
Sundering Avian Axe of Axe Mastery
Slashing Dmg: 6-28(Q9 Axe Mastery)
Armor penetration +20%(Chance: 20%)
Axe Mastery +1(19% chance while using skills)
Inscription: "Let the Memory Live Again"
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 10%)
Furious Wingblade Sword of Shelter
Slashing Dmg: 15-22(Q11 Swordsmanship)
Double adrenaline gain(Chance: 10%)
Armor +7(vs. physical damage)
Inscription: "Strength and Honor"
Damage +14%(while Health is above 50%)
Vampiric Righteous Maul of Shelter
Blunt Dmg: 19-35(Q10 Hammer Mastery)
Life Stealing: 4
Health regeneration -1
Armor +7(vs. physical damage)
Inscription: "Show me the money!"
Improved sale value
Aureate Aegis of Devotion
Armor: 16(Q11 Command)
Health +44(while Enchanted)
Inscription: "Nothing to Fear"
Received physical damage -3(while Hexed)
Swift Air Staff of Devotion
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Lightning Dmg: 11-22(Q9 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of spells(Chance: 9%)
Health +45(while Enchanted)
Inscription: "Sieze the Day"
Energy +15
Energy regeneration -1
Fire Wand of Memory
Fire Dmg: 11-22(Q11 Fire Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells(Chance: 20%)
Inscription: "Don't Fear the Reaper"
Damage +19%(while Hexed)
Ebon Ancient Axe of Axe Mastery
Earth Dmg: 6-28(Q11 Axe Mastery)
Axe Mastery +1(19% chance while using skills)
Inscription: "Guided by fate"
Damage +15%(while Enchanted)
Vampiric Golden Pheonix Blade of Defense
Slashing Dmg: 15-22(Q10 Swordsmanship)
Life stealing: 3
Health regeneration -1
Armor +5
Inscription: "Don't Think Twice"
Halves casting time of spells(Chance: 9%)
Ebon War Hammer
Earth Dmg: 19-35(Q10 Hammer Mastery)
Inscription: "Guided by Fate"
Damage +15%(while Enchanted)
Cruel Ruby Mail of Defense
Blunt Dmg: 19-35(Q10 Hammer Mastery)
Lengthens Deep Wound duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Armor +5
Inscription: "Too Much Information"
Damage +15%(vs. Hexed foes)
Suntouched Shield of Fortitude
Armor: 16(Q10 Motivation)
Health +28
Inscription: "Cast Out the Unclean"
Reduces Disease duration on you by 20%(Stacking)
Silencing Ancient Shortbow of Fortitude
Piercing Dmg: 15-28(Q12 Marksmanship)
Lengthens Dazed duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Health +30
Inscription: "Measure for Measure"
Highly salvageable
Supreme Bludgeoner of Hammer Mastery
Blunt Dmg: 19-35(Q10 Hammer Mastery)
Hammer Mastery +1(19% chance while using skills)
Inscription: "Let the Memory Live Again"
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 10%)
Grim Cesta of Swiftness
Energy +12(Q10 Death Magic)
Halves casting time of spells(Chance: 9%)
Inscription: "Cast Out the Unclean"
Reduces Disease duration on you by 20%(Stacking)
Butterfly Mirror of Aptitude
Energy +12(Q10 Inspiration Magic)
Halves casting time of Inspiration Magic spells(Chance: 20%)
Inscription: "Survival of the Fittest"
Armor +5(vs. physical damage)
Furious Ball Hammer of Fortitude
Blunt Dmg: 19-35(Q9 Hammer Mastery)
Double adrenaline gain(Chance: 10%)
Health +30
Inscription: "Don't Fear the Reaper"
Damage +20%(while Hexed)
Zealous Barrel Hammer
Blunt Dmg: 19-35(Q11 Hammer Mastery)
Energy gain on hit: 1
Energy regeneration -1
Inscription: "Too Much Information"
Damage +15%(vs. Hexed foes)
Icy Supreme Bludgeoner of Defense
Cold Dmg: 19-35(Q13 Hammer Mastery)
Armor +5
Inscription: "Don't Think Twice"
Halves casting time of spells(Chance: 10%)
Insightful Channeling Staff of Mastery
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Lightning Dmg: 11-22(Q12 Channeling Magic)
Energy +5
Channeling Magic +1(Chance: 20%)
Inscription: "Strength and Honor"
Damage +14%(while Health is above 50%)
Furious Hawkeye Hammer of Deathbane
Blunt Dmg: 19-35(Q11 Hammer Mastery)
Double adrenaline gain(Chance: 10%)
Inscription: "Show me the money!"
Improved sale value
Dmg +19%(vs. undead)
Vampiric Razorclaw Scythe
Slashing Dmg: 9-41(Q13 Scythe Mastery)
Life Stealing: 5
Health regeneration -1
Inscription: "Strength and Honor"
Damage +15%(while Health is above 50%)
Crippling Bramble Flatbow of Fortitude
Piercing Dmg: 15-28(Q13 Marksmanship)
Lengthens Crippled duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Health +30
Inscription: "Too Much Information"
Damage +14%(vs. Hexed foes)
Idol of Fortitude
Energy +12(Q10 Blood Magic)
Health +27
Inscription: "Run For Your Life!"
Received physical damage -2(while in a Stance)
Fire Wand of Memory
Fire Dmg: 11-22(Q11 Fire Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells(Chance: 20%)
Inscription: "Too Much Information"
Damage +14%(vs. Hexed foes)
Sundering Skull Longbow of Marksmanship
Piercing Dmg: 15-28(Q10 Marksmanship)
Armor penetration +20%(Chance: 19%)
Marksmanship +1(20% chance while using skills)
Inscription: "Don't Fear the Reaper"
Damage +20%(while Hexed)
Accursed Icon of Fortitude
Energy +12(Q9 Curses)
Health +29
Inscription: "Cast Out the Unclean"
Reduces Disease duration on you by 20%(Stacking)
Blazing Wing Wand of Memory
Fire Dmg: 11-22(Q13 Fire Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Fire Magic spells(Chance: 20%)
Inscription: "Sieze the Day"
Energy +15
Energy regeneration -1
Platinum Wand of Memory
Cold Dmg: 11-22(Q12 Energy Storage)
Halves skill recharge of Energy Storage spells(Chance: 20%)
Inscription: "Dance with Death"
Damage +15%(while in a Stance)
Iridescent Prism of Aptitude
Energy +12(Q12 Energy Storage)
Halves casting time of Energy Storage spells(Chance: 19%)
Inscription: "Show me the money!"
Improved sale value
Ceremonial Cauldron
Energy +12(Q13 Spawning Power)
Inscription: "Leaf on the Wind"
Armor +9(vs. Cold damage)
Wooden Longbow of Defense
Piercing Dmg: 15-28(Q12 Marksmanship)
Armor +5
Inscription: "I have the power!"
Energy +5
Hale Eerie Staff
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Lightning Dmg: 11-22(Q13 Communing)
Health +27
Inscription: "Strength and Honor"
Damage +14%(while Health is above 50%)
Crippling Colossal Scimitar of Fortitude
Slashing Dmg: 15-22(Q10 Swordsmanship)
Lengthens Crippled duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Health +30
Inscription: "Strength and Honor"
Damage +14%(while Health is above 50%)
Zealous Brambe Flatbow of Warding
Piercing Dmg: 15-28(Q10 Marksmanship)
Energy gain on hit: 1
Energy regeneration -1
Armor +7(vs. elemental damage)
Inscription: "Measure for Measure"
Highly salvageable
Zealous Ancient Daggers of Defense
Piercing Dmg: 7-17(Q10 Dagger Mastery)
Energy gain on hit: 1
Energy regeneration -1
Armor +5
Inscription: "To the Pain!"
Damage +15%
Armor -10(while attacking)
Cruel Crenellated Scythe of Defense
Slashing Dmg: 9-41(Q11 Scythe Mastery)
Lengthens Deep Wound duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Armor +5
Inscription: "Let the Memory Live Again"
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 9%)
Vampiric Ivory Hammer of Deathbane
Blunt Dmg: 19-35(Q10 Hammer Mastery)
Life stealing: 5
Health regeneration -1
Inscription: "I have the power!"
Energy +5
Dmg +20%(vs. undead)
Insightful Clairvoyant Staff of Devotion
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Chaos Dmg: 11-22(Q11 Domination Magic)
Energy +5
Health +44(while Enchanted)
Inscription: "Strength and Honor"
Damage +15%(while Health is above 50%)
Aureate Aegis of Devotion
Armor: 16(Q12 Command)
Health +45(while Enchanted)
Inscription: "Not the face!"
Armor +9(vs. Blunt damage)
Hallowed Idol of Aptitude
Energy +12(Q13 Smiting Prayers)
Halves casting time of Smiting Prayers spells(Chance: 19%)
Inscription: "Master of My Domain"
Smiting Prayers +1(Chance: 19%)
Fiery Bronze Crusher of Hammer Mastery
Fire Dmg: 19-35(Q12 Hammer Mastery)
Hammer Mastery +1(20% chance while using skills)
Inscription: "Dance with Death"
Damage +14%(while in a Stance)
Dragon's Breath Wand of Quickening
Fire Dmg: 11-22(Q10 Fire Magic)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 10%)
Inscription: "I am Sorrow."
Energy +7(while Hexed)
Sundering Banded Spear of Defense
Piercing Dmg: 14-27(Q13 Spear Mastery)
Armor penetration +20%(Chance: 19%)
Armor +5
Inscription: "Measure for Measure"
Highly salvageable
Tattooed Scimitar of Deathbane
Slashing Dmg: 15-22(Q13 Swordsmanship)
Inscription: "Show me the money!"
Improved sale value
Dmg +20%(vs. undead)
Writhing Focus of Fortitude
Energy +12(Q10 Restoration Magic)
Health +27
Inscription: "Ignorance is Bliss"
Armor +5
Energy -5
Insightful Platinum Staff of Blood Magic
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Dark Dmg: 11-22(Q12 Soul Reaping)
Energy +5
Blood Magic +1(19% chance while using skills)
Inscription: "Show me the money!"
Improved sale value
Swift Soul Spire of Valor
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Dark Dmg: 11-22(Q12 Soul Reaping)
Halves casting time of spells(Chance: 10%)
Health +58(while Hexed)
Inscription: "Show me the money!"
Improved sale value
Crippling Salient Sword of Swordsmanship
Slashing Dmg: 15-22(Q12 Swordsmanship)
Lengthens Crippled duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Swordsmanship +1(20% chance while using skills)
Inscription: "Too Much Information"
Damage +15%(vs. Hexed foes)
Vampiric Dusk Blade of Shelter
Slashing Dmg: 15-22(Q13 Swordsmanship)
Life stealing: 3
Health regeneration -1
Armor +7(vs. physical damage)
Inscription: "Vengeance is Mine"
Damage +20%(while Health is below 50%)
Fiery Gladius of Enchanting
Fire Dmg: 15-22(Q12 Swordsmanship)
Enchantments last 20% longer
Inscription: "To the Pain!"
Damage +15%
Armor -10(while attacking)
Cruel Battle Axe of Shelter
Slashing Dmg: 6-28(Q9 Axe Mastery)
Lengthens Deep Wound duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Armor +7(vs. physical damage)
Inscription: "Don't Fear the Reaper"
Damage +19%(while Hexed)
Shocking Stone Crusher of Hammer Mastery
Lightning Dmg: 18-35(Q12 Hammer Mastery)
Hammer Mastery +1(20% chance while using skills)
Inscription: "Brawn over Brains"
Damage +15%
Energy -5
Ripper Blade of Fortitude
Slashing Dmg: 15-22(Q9 Swordsmanship)
Health +29
Inscription: "To the Pain!"
Damage +15%
Armor -10(while attacking)
Ebon Spiraling Spear of Defense
Earth Dmg: 14-27(Q9 Spear Mastery)
Armor +5
Inscription: "Don't Think Twice"
Halves casting time of spells(Chance: 9%)
Vampiric Golden Machete of Enchanting
Slashing Dmg: 15-22(Q12 Swordsmanship)
Life stealing: 3
Health regeneration -1
Enchantments last 19% longer
Inscription: "Dance with Death"
Damage +14%(while in a Stance)
Barbed Spatha of Defense
Slashing Dmg: 15-22(Q9 Swordsmanship)
Lengthens Bleeding duration on foes by 33%(Stacking)
Armor +5
Inscription: "Don't Think Twice"
Halves casting time of spells(Chance: 10%)
Ebon Briarwood Scythe of Fortitude
Earth Dmg: 9-41(Q10 Scythe Mastery)
Health +29
Inscription: "Let the Memory Live Again"
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 10%)
Defensive Platinum Staff of Restoration Magic
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Fire Dmg: 11-22(Q9 Spawning Power)
Armor +5
Restoration Magic +1(20% chance while using skills)
Inscription: "Dance with Death"
Damage +15%(while in a Stance)
Platinum Staff of Enchanting
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Dark Dmg: 11-22(Q10 Soul Reaping)
Enchantments last 20% longer
Inscription: "Don't Fear the Reaper"
Damage +19%(while Hexed)
Shocking Golden Machete of Shelter
Lightning Dmg: 15-22(Q10 Swordsmanship)
Armor +7(vs. physical damage)
Inscription: "Let the Memory Live Again"
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 9%)
Shocking Celestial Hammer of Shelter
Lightning Dmg: 19-35(Q11 Hammer Mastery)
Armor +7(vs. physical damage)
Inscription: "Strength and Honor"
Damage +14%(while Health is above 50%)
Ebon Igneous Blade
Earth Dmg: 15-22(Q11 Swordsmanship)
Inscription: "Measure for Measure"
Highly salvageable
Adept Channeling Staff of Warding
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Fire Dmg: 11-22(Q11 Channeling Magic)
Halves casting time of Channeling Magic spells(Chance: 20%)
Armor +7(vs. elemental damage)
Inscription: "Sieze the Day"
Energy +15
Energy regeneration -1
Dragon's Breath Wand of Quickening
Fire Dmg: 11-22(Q13 Fire Magic)
Halves skills recharge of spells(Chance: 9%)
Inscription: "To the Pain!"
Damage +15%
Armor -10(while attacking)
Insightful Conjuring Staff of Valor
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Earth Dmg: 11-22(Q10 Spawning Power)
Energy +5
Health +58(while Hexed)
Inscription: "Guided by Fate"
Damage +14%(while Enchanted
Fiery Dwarven Axe of Defense
Fire Dmg: 6-28(Q13 Axe Mastery)
Armor +5
Inscription: "Guided by Fate"
Damage +15%(while Enchanted)
Gazing Scepter of Memory
Chaos Dmg: 11-22(Q10 Domination Magic)
Halves skill recharge of Domination Magic spells(Chance: 19%)
Inscription: "Guided by Fate"
Damage +15%(while Enchanted)
Ungula Axe of Deathbane
Slashing Dmg: 6-28(Q12 Axe Mastery)
Inscription: "Don't Fear the Reaper"
Damage +19%(while Hexed)
Dmg +19%(vs. undead)
Spawning Wand of Memory
Lightning Dmg: 11-22(Q12 Spawning Power)
Halves skill recharge of Spawning Power spells(Chance: 20%)
Inscription: "Measure for Measure"
Highly salvageable
Holy Vial of Devotion
Energy +12(Q10 Protection Prayers)
Health +44(while Enchanted)
Inscription: "Measure for Measure"
Highly salvageable
Sundering Brass Spear
Piercing Dmg: 14-27(Q13 Spear Mastery)
Armor penetration +20%(Chance: 19%)
Inscription: "Strength and Honor"
Damage +15%(while Health is above 50%)
Platinum Wand of Quickening
Fire Dmg: 11-22(Q12 Divine Favor)
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 9%)
Inscription: "Have Faith"
Energy +5(while Enchanted)
Adept Air Staff of Endurance
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Lightning Dmg: 11-22(Q11 Air Magic)
Halves casting time of Air MAgic spells(Chance: 19%)
Health +45(while in a Stance)
Inscription: "Dance with Death"
Damage +15%(while in a Stance)
Defensive Platinum Staff of Earth Magic
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Lightning Dmg: 11-22(Q13 Energy Storage)
Armor +5
Earth Magic +1(19% chance while using skills)
Inscription: "Vengeance is Mine"
Damage +20%(while Health is below 50%)
Dwarven Axe of Enchanting
Slashing Dmg: 6-28(Q9 Axe Mastery)
Enchantments last 20% longer
Inscription: "Let the Memory Live Again"
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 9%)
Golden Pheonix Blade of Warding
Slashing Dmg: 15-22(Q11 Swordsmanship)
Armor +7(vs. elemental damage)
Inscription: "Don't Fear the Reaper"
Damage +19%(while Hexed)
Hale Arcane Staff
Halves skill recharge of spells(Chance: 20%)
Energy +10
Chaos Dmg: 11-22(Q10 Fast Casting)
Health +29
Inscription: "Have Faith"
Energy +5(while Enchanted)
Many different golds w/stats
George Smashington