fame weekend yayyy
well i was totally bummed out sence no aiont his coming weekend and so on and so on. but then just check doudble fame weekend now i have a reason to play guildwars , been trying to get back into pvp sence i took over 1 1/2 break from it .
How dull.
Zzes Tyan
yay more noobs complaining about not being able to get into groups...
The Air Revenger
boooo HA weekend
boooo HA weekend
s t e e
It is called Guild Wars for a reason. Make or join a pvp ha guild and you have a team enough said.
Normally I look forward to this but I don't think I can possibly convince myself to play in this sway shitpile.
yessssssssss this is great
Fate Crusher
Oh god... this post is really unnecessary but whatever.
You're bad if you can't beat a generic sway team. :3
You're bad if you can't beat a generic sway team. :3
I'm gonna keep count of how many times i hear "wand trappers" and "fire shields" in pug groups this weekend haha.
It's a good thing though, because right now the meta (sway) is 10 times easier to beat than iway and heroway were, which is saying a lot. GOGOGO R10
It's a good thing though, because right now the meta (sway) is 10 times easier to beat than iway and heroway were, which is saying a lot. GOGOGO R10
Master Ketsu
Imo the real problem with rank discrimination is not the discrimination itself, but the way rank works. Rank is based on experience and grind, not actual scores/leaderboards like most other competitive games have.
Ive been in the game industry for 5 years so far, and I can say with certainty that a linear experience system is a terrible way to measure player skill. I've seen QA testers play a game for 10 minutes and be better at it then most vets who had been playing it for 6 months. This is not a rare occurance, I've seen it happen literally hundreds of times. It is also pretty much universally agreed upon by any and all serious competitive gamers I have met ( Starcraft champions, top CS clan members, ect. ) That a linear exp point system is laughable and proves nothing.
While it is true that an experienced player is more likely to be good then a newer player, it is by no means a guarantee. That is the real problem behind rank. There is nothing wrong with good players wanting to play with good players, but it's extremely unfair to the few rank1's/2's out there who are better then r9's to get shafted just because anet failed to implement a good system, and the community is too stupid to realize it.
Ive been in the game industry for 5 years so far, and I can say with certainty that a linear experience system is a terrible way to measure player skill. I've seen QA testers play a game for 10 minutes and be better at it then most vets who had been playing it for 6 months. This is not a rare occurance, I've seen it happen literally hundreds of times. It is also pretty much universally agreed upon by any and all serious competitive gamers I have met ( Starcraft champions, top CS clan members, ect. ) That a linear exp point system is laughable and proves nothing.
While it is true that an experienced player is more likely to be good then a newer player, it is by no means a guarantee. That is the real problem behind rank. There is nothing wrong with good players wanting to play with good players, but it's extremely unfair to the few rank1's/2's out there who are better then r9's to get shafted just because anet failed to implement a good system, and the community is too stupid to realize it.
I'm at rank 0 and too pro to get anything else.

yay double sway weekend
Master Ketsu
How would I prove that they are better than average r9's?
Thats the problem. I could name 3 just in my alliance alone that I have played with who have barely any fame at all, but are very competent players who refuse to HA because they don't want to deal with having to leave their guild and join an HA guild to grind for fame ( or just dislike HA ). But how would I prove that other than making a video? The only real way to know if someone is good if they have no rank is to play with them.
IMO its a pretty well accepted fact amoung non-braindead players that there are plenty of bad R9's out there. People who Lamewayed their way to the top are hardly any better than they were when starting out.
Really though. Due to the fact that an exp/grind system is a faulty skill measure you can reach the conclusion that there will be some players at lower levels who are better than the higher levels through a very simple act known as contemplating your navel.
Thats the problem. I could name 3 just in my alliance alone that I have played with who have barely any fame at all, but are very competent players who refuse to HA because they don't want to deal with having to leave their guild and join an HA guild to grind for fame ( or just dislike HA ). But how would I prove that other than making a video? The only real way to know if someone is good if they have no rank is to play with them.
IMO its a pretty well accepted fact amoung non-braindead players that there are plenty of bad R9's out there. People who Lamewayed their way to the top are hardly any better than they were when starting out.
Really though. Due to the fact that an exp/grind system is a faulty skill measure you can reach the conclusion that there will be some players at lower levels who are better than the higher levels through a very simple act known as contemplating your navel.
plenty of bad R9's out there. People who Lamewayed their way to the top are hardly any better than they were when starting out.
Im not gonna lie there are smart unranked people but they also come from other areas of the game where they learned not to suck too hard and arent complete idiots.
I don't know what I dislike more. Double Fame Weekend or that therangereminem is posting again.
As there seems little actual discussion.. and just a lot of namecalling, insulting, "being 1337" and other nonsense..
Thread Closed.
Thread Closed.