PC: Amethyst Aegis Req Com 11

Emperor Bush

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2007

Pandas of a Thousand Gentlemens or Something [LOD]

Amethyst Aegis - Req Command 11

Is this thing merch food?

Thank you, as always, for your support.

Emperor Bush

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2007

Pandas of a Thousand Gentlemens or Something [LOD]

any help? thank you

Meat WilD

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2008



req9 amerthyst command worth 30k!!req11 i think near 10-15k

Raku Clayman

Raku Clayman

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2005

Marquette MI

Elite Lan Gamer


Just because a req 9 is 30-40K, it is not necessarily so that a req 11 will sell for 10K. A while ago I tried to sell a req 10 and barely got 8K. Most of time it comes down to how long you are willing to wait for someone to buy it.