guild wars servers
I have been getting dc'ed alot myself and I live in Canada, never relly had issues until the last 2-3 months really.
I'd hazard a guess that they are testing GW2 on the same servers we play on thus creating alot of lag, but that just a guess i could be way off on that.
I'd hazard a guess that they are testing GW2 on the same servers we play on thus creating alot of lag, but that just a guess i could be way off on that.
Highlander Of Alba
Yep its back again As Scotland UK player it has cost me a survivor yesterday...but hey dont mind that , my fault re playing him.
So it seems they must be carring out some sort of test just wish they can get it fixed and can return to normal of all other games no problems whatssoever
So it seems they must be carring out some sort of test just wish they can get it fixed and can return to normal of all other games no problems whatssoever
But the folks playing there are having issues with lag and this was due to NCSoft doing some stress-testing. |
I was doing gates of Kryta the other day and lost my connection in the middle of a good farm. Never got to collect all the goods +black dye that was dropped.
It'S good to knwo I am not the only one!
Looks like NC'S pretty busy or they cut the budget for GW (not that it would be too unexpected, considering we're on a dying boat. Or at best an Old Man's boat.)
Looks like NC'S pretty busy or they cut the budget for GW (not that it would be too unexpected, considering we're on a dying boat. Or at best an Old Man's boat.)
It's doing my head in.
No lag or rubberbanding for me and I play on dialup.

I had an 80k ping last night while doing a uw run
Im still getting err7 and disconnected plus where my ping used to run about 69 now its 200+ . I really hope they fix this and soon.

lot's of random err7 and huge lags here, netherlands.
I'm on Virgin Media also but it's not the network throttling, it's Anets servers as I very rarely get this sort of connection trouble.
same with the being on virgin media and again, highly doubting that's the problem.
especially as who im playing with at the time when we both experience the lag spikes or d/cs is using a different isp.
tho yesterday, we did both experience a huge lag spike whilst in a dungeon. when we recovered from it, i was about to reply in chat about us both lagging just then and it decided to only dc me, where as is usually doesn't hesitate to kick both of us.
especially as who im playing with at the time when we both experience the lag spikes or d/cs is using a different isp.
tho yesterday, we did both experience a huge lag spike whilst in a dungeon. when we recovered from it, i was about to reply in chat about us both lagging just then and it decided to only dc me, where as is usually doesn't hesitate to kick both of us.
yeah I barely get a ping of under 300 now, I can't play PD/PB/Ranger anymore.
It really sucks.
It really sucks.