Depending on Area, campaign, foes, i am willing to pay premium rate (130g*Foes | Depending on area, fee might be per mob | )
In game character: "Jaden Clemons" or "Blade Of The Jedi"
willing to pay in ecto,cash, Dungeon runs, etc.
Please pm me.
Thank you.
LF Vanquisher Runs (paying premium rate)
I can do the vanquishes for you. But it will depend on which areas you need cuzsome i might not be able to do
I will do some elonan and all tyrian vanqs for you. PM me in game at Aurora Firenza
I could probably do some vanquishes: 6 or 8 man areas mostly
PM me in game - IGN: Jacque Spayde
PM me in game - IGN: Jacque Spayde