I'm wandering what a q8 13^50 Chaos Axe is worth like
pls close all my other trades (:.....
oh yea lol! its GOLD XD
need a pc on a oldschool q8 chaos axe
paktreger powah
paktreger powah
paktreger powah
13:51...........................oh come on where are my PC's ppl!
paktreger powah
still w8ing on my pc bump
Imo. 25kish orso...
paktreger powah
last bump if anyone has any other opinion
Jason Xll
I agree, 20-30k since req is good and dmg mod is nerfed.
Soo nerfed , on 20kish if you are lucky.
Fallen SeraphiM
agreed with above
personaly i would pay that much (pm if for sale haha)
personaly i would pay that much (pm if for sale haha)