Time of day affecting Drops?
Monster Expert
Nvm, I don't need to fill the forum with rubbish like this, I'll pm ReZDoGG about it.
Archress Shayleigh
This is rubbish. Drops aren't affected by time.
but your luck is affected by time of day xD
Captain Bulldozer
Actually, there has been some strong evidence presented on these forums that suggests that time of entry to a particular zone almost completely determines the drops. So yes, in a manner of speaking, it would seem that time of day DOES affect drops. More than that, of course it does... for any time of day you're not playing, you're also not getting drops. So sure, there's a connection.
Then DO NOT play during 10 PM - MIDNIGHT PST in AD... I never get anything good during my normal playing time =(
time of day you sleep is likely to reduce your droprate
Presumably the rand() generator uses a time stamp to seed, as most (any?) semi-decent ones do. Also, most rand() generators result in non-random characteristics (strings of "luck" followed by strings of "no luck"), due to being based (likely) on "exclusive-or" binary feedback. I thought Intel was going to offer a truly random generator back in the late 90's, based on a thermal resistor, but evidently that never panned out...
So yes, the time of day should affect drops. How much, who knows?
So yes, the time of day should affect drops. How much, who knows?
Xiao Erh
I agree absolutely to contact ReZDoGG as he knows everything about drops and what time of day is best for you. If the time affects drops, then either the Aussies and Asians are getting the best drops or the Europeans if Americans are not getting. Or is it the Aussies not getting the good drops, I am pretty confused? Yeah best to ask the expert.