Hi, need PC on this items:
Thanks for help.
PC Outcast Shields, Jade Swords,Demonic Shield
demonic 20k
outcast smithe merch food (single moded)
outcast +30hp -5/19 100k+ 100e(hard to sell)
jade swords 5k/ea
outcast smithe merch food (single moded)
outcast +30hp -5/19 100k+ 100e(hard to sell)
jade swords 5k/ea
that dual modded outcast shield will get u some cash
post a sell thread and watch the offers rake up at lest 100e id say

Agree with deadlybullet but not so Hard 2 sell that shield

Also agree on at least that much, but agree with the others on the outcast not being a hard sell, quite popular right now
Lol, I sold this outcast for 28 e -.-
Last edited by DeadlyBullet; Yesterday at 05:55 PM..
The first price was 100 +5e... Maybe u scammed me. Now is nevermind.
Last edited by DeadlyBullet; Yesterday at 05:55 PM..
The first price was 100 +5e... Maybe u scammed me. Now is nevermind.