Champ Point Farming
Champion Point Farming - 17 March 2009 There have been ongoing questions among players about Champion Point farming and whether it's against the rules. We view Champion Point farming as against the provisions in the Universal Tournament Rules, under the section titled "Player/Guild Responsibilities". Organized movements to farm Champion Points are an example of match manipulation because players and guilds are not competing and playing in good faith. If reported to us, we will investigate, and if we find evidence that supports the reports, we will take action, up to and including permanently banning the players and/or guilds involved. A first offense may result in a temporary ban. Further infractions may result in permanent bans for the players and/or guilds involved.
Champion Point Farming and Fame Farming - Please Read! [Updated Oct. 28, 2010]
Yang Whirlwind
It is subsequently no longer allowed to post threads offering or requesting champion points! Period!
We will not risk this site being instrumental in teams outright cheating or playing with sub-standard players because they are getting paid.
Fame Farming
It has been repeatedly brought to the attention of Guru staff that people are requesting the account information of their clients in order to directly farm the fame. It had come to the point where reports were plenty about certain farmers requesting account information, and then people getting ripped off. You may not request or sell Fame Farming services if your intent is to share account information, or violate the GW EULA in any way. Therefore, do not make threads selling or requesting this service!
By accepting the terms of use in the Agreement, Members represent that you are an adult 18 years of age or older. Only one person may use an Account. The registered user of an Account may use the Account or may choose instead to permit a minor child of the registered user to use the Account. You are liable for all activities conducted through your Account, and parents or guardians are liable for all activities of their minor child conducted through the Account.
You may request or sell Fame Farming services if the service will fall within the boundaries of the Guild Wars EULA. This means there will be no illegal account access, match manipulating, etc. permitted. --Updated October 28, 2010 to revise Fame Farming. |