It's weird because Cantha has some of the easiest maps in my opinion. But I can't finish off the last 0.5 percent for 100%. I am using Texmod to help me find spots, but there is no luck.
There are a couple corners I have tried to get, but no luck. Ive been at this for a week, and no luck in getting any of those small bits.
Can anyone give me some tips to finish this?
I see there is a really big spot in between the bottom part of the Vizunah Square mission, Shenzun Tunnels, and a bit of Tahhnakai Temple. But I can't reach it from any of the spots.
Ugh Canthan Cartographer
Edge Igneas
If you don't have canthan vanquisher yet, do that. I got my cartog. easily by finishing off vanquisher and scraping slightly after each area.
Any chance you could post a couple of screenshots with texmod running showing the mainland and one of newb island , i know Cantha is a real pain to do , its the only cartographer title i had trouble with,after going over all of the mainland maps 2 or more times it turned out i had not scraped newb island properly, /facepalm .
Did you read the Tour Guide sticky at the top of this forum? It is loaded with exactly what you're asking for -- tips on completing Cantha cartography, including information on spots that are commonly overlooked.
Have you done all the challenge missions? Missing one would easily account for the missing 0.5%.
Edge Igneas
I have done the Challenge Missions and I've only got one map left for Vanquishing. This is the spot I'm having the most trouble with, and I'm guessing the 0.5% is part of those areas.
I got my cathographer without that part, did you do the glitched area above that luxon outpost, it counts for about 2.5% so that should be enough :P
Edge Igneas
gyala hatchery outpost - the one north of the that (east side one on the map above it) - sorry I can't remember what its called off the top of my head >.< - so tired sorry - just check your map
Edge Igneas
Ok I checked that up on the Wiki, thanks guys I got the title