Group setup hard mode?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2008

Me and 2 friends want to play through all campaigns together, and plan on starting over again. Thing is, we would like to do hard mode, but with our current level 20 characters, we always fail in hard mode. So my question is, what professions and what builds go well together?

Like atm some mobs keep outhealing our damage and even when we interrupt them 4 times, we still can barely kill them

We are casual gamers, so please don't get too technical ;D

Thanks in advance!

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

If you want to keep playing with your current chars it would be nice if you told us what they were. We can't help you with builds.

Since you've got all campaigns (and thus heroes), I don't see why you're having so many problems. Discord and ArkFenway makes HM seem like NM. "Save Yourselves" helps also, if you can run it.

ArkFenway -

Not going to link Discord because there are a million builds and variantions around.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2008

currently we are me/e , warrior/e (but he was necro) and e/monk. I guess the fact that I havent been changing my heroes alot might have something to do with it?

We want to start over anyway, so any tips on new profs are welcome!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2008



Run one of the pve-ways(discordway, for ex.), they are made for VQ so you shouldn't have too much trouble in HM while playing it that way.

Ninja In Ya Face

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2009

Team Everfrost[eF]


Minion masters for heroes really help because they absorb so much of the damage
In most cases, team builds built around heroes allow the actual players to become support. Your mesmer might just concentrate on interrupting while your elementalist will snare the monsters so you and your minions from your minion masters can kill them
If they are outdamaging your healing, try changing your healing build for different damage. In some places, the damage will be more from hexes in Hm, so make the builds to run against Hexes.
It is really similar to nm, except that there is actually strategy involved, like pulling specific groups or targeting monks first.
Normal mode is mostly just randomly killing things. As the monsters level rises, so does your level of play.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2008

So lets say sabway with any combination of player classes goes?

We also didn't know you can call targets for those retarded henchmen and heroes, just figured that one out


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

If you are looking to Vanquish then I suggest getting Pain inverter as soon as possible. If just playing through it isn't as crucial. I have been vanquishing with my warrior and running a basic Sabway build but in most areas with 2 MMs. The MMs absorb so much damage and when you go against the foes with AoE damage such as Sandstorm cast PI on them and when you minions run in with you generally the foe is dead in two seconds. If you area caster just take Assasins promise and easy peasy.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2007

living room


i would say just go with discordway, with 3 players and all of them with heros you can do some damage easily, you can also run arkfenway.