PC Q9 Eternal Bow and a few more

Calador Alaster

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


Affliction of Embers

Q9 Eternal Bow Inscribable
Q9 Divine, Holy Branch (20/10) old school
Q10 Dwarven Axe Inscribable
Q9 Fiery Blade Axe Inscribable
Q9 Runic Blade
Q10 Zodiac Axe Inscribable

Thanks for all the PCs.

Mods please close my other threads if they're still up (i think i closed them all) thanks.

knight karbarsar

knight karbarsar

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006

Incredible Edible Bookah [YUM]


The fiery blade axe isn't much anymore, max 10k

Eomer Rey

Eomer Rey

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006


Eternal: 35-40k
Zodiac axe: 12-15k
Runic blade: 15k

Meat WilD

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2008



dvarven 10-15k
holy branch 15k max cuz core skin