Supporting Touch in Windows 7
Windows 7 is going to be released very soon and it supports touch screens.
What I am curious to know is, would this give a huge advantage to users with touch screens, should the game designers decide to support a touch interface in the future?
What I am curious to know is, would this give a huge advantage to users with touch screens, should the game designers decide to support a touch interface in the future?
Bob Slydell
I don't see how it would really give much of an advantage as touch screens only let you use your finger as a mouse pointer on PC's now, which is a different case for touch screen phones. But I highly doubt GW1 will get an upgrade for touch screens and it's highly unlikely for GW2. Would probably require an immense rework of the UI mechanics. Though, you COULD use a touch screen with GW now. But like I said it would only let you move the pointer or click with just your finger, no right clickin, but you could go tap another area of the screen to instantly move the pointer over there, so I guess if you had lots of practice with one you might be only slightly faster than someone with a mouse.
I always wanted to try playing Guild Wars on a touch screen. But I don't think it'd give you much of an advantage.
Think of fps games and touch screen. just tap the screen at someones head. boomhead shot!
i could see some RTS titles abusing a touch screen!!
that would kind of be sick!
maybe some MMO's would be kind of cool... interesting idea though :-D
that would kind of be sick!
maybe some MMO's would be kind of cool... interesting idea though :-D
Yes considering that with a mouse pointer, you have to drag it to the spot that you want then click, pointing to something on the screen should be alot faster, plus you have your other fingers and hand to help out clicking (or pointing) from one spot on the screen to another even if they are far apart.
I can easily imagine using that to my advantage in GW. There are things that could be performed much faster and more efficiently this way than with mouse clicks. And all that without getting into what a multi-touch interface could allow!
Need a 3rd hand
Need a 3rd hand
The Scorpion Knight
Playing on Windows 7 as we speak. Game is installing right now. Touch controls would be pretty interesting, you have more fingers so you could do more at once.
Gummy Kitty
it would be tiring to your hands and arms after a few minutes I believe this video sums it up....
I think the game has to be programmed to support the Touch interface. Otherwise, I dont know how much you can get out from it.
The Scorpion Knight
Please, don't.
That's dirty. Fingers should never touch the screen, fingerprints get all over it.
That's dirty. Fingers should never touch the screen, fingerprints get all over it.
Yes considering that with a mouse pointer, you have to drag it to the spot that you want then click, pointing to something on the screen should be alot faster, plus you have your other fingers and hand to help out clicking (or pointing) from one spot on the screen to another even if they are far apart.
I don't know if there is much similarity, but I've tried playing GW (and fps games) on windows 7 using a wacom tablet and it's unplayable. The GW interface detects the input alright but as soon as you attempt to rotate the camera it just spins around and near impossible to control. I also tried in CoD 4 and the camera spins even worse
Riot Narita
Touchscreens suck. That is all.
As soon as you move your hand across any screen to touch it, you begin to obscure part of the screen. Any advantage you might get from touch control is destroyed by that. One simply never knows what happens beneath your hand. Try it. Touch your screen! Once you move away from the corners, it really gets ridiculous in terms of covering the screen with your hands. Even more stupid than using voice commands "Flare, Flare, Flare, Flare.."
I can immagine quickly tappin on enemies to attack or making my intereface huge for the skill buttons
willie nelson
Keyboard and mouse all the way; I wont be leaning over my desk to prod my monitor any time soon. Just seems so inefficient. Sure, if you want to be able to touch 2 points on your go for it; crack on, but I'll stick with my good old faithful mouse.
no difference IMO programable keyboards now that is an advantage

There is a difference between something being supported, and it being actually usable.
Windows 7 and touch screens are still in the former category. |
There is also a huge difference between using touch screens just as substitute for mouse, or using it at its (full) potential (as in: alternative interface).
I tried playing a few games on an Itronix laptop who had touchscreen (single touch, like a mouse replacement). GW was freaking hard to play. It was fun to use skill at touch of the screen, but movement and everything else was just a pain. Warcraft3 on the other hand, was very nice and easy to play.
I believe the game has to be programmed to make use of it too. It seems pretty usable to me at least for controlling the windows shell.
Marvollo Gaunt
unless you're playing gw on like a tablet or something, and REALLY don't want to use the keyboard, then I can see the touch feature being feasible. Otherwise, I don't think people would want to be holding their arm out in front of them for hours at a time poking their monitor.
Aside from that, what would give touch users more of an advantage? Sure you could click a spot you want to move and then tap a skill you want to use in rapid succession, but we can already do that with a mouse and keyboard.
Aside from that, what would give touch users more of an advantage? Sure you could click a spot you want to move and then tap a skill you want to use in rapid succession, but we can already do that with a mouse and keyboard.
Caelus The Fallen
Single-touch? Mouse is probably faster. Nulti-touch - now that could be handy, epecially in concert with a convensional mouse (hey, they don't need to be mutually exclusive).
I think the technology is still in its infancy though, it is more of a "watch this space" kind of thing.
I think the technology is still in its infancy though, it is more of a "watch this space" kind of thing.
At any rate, I doubt that GW would need to specially programmed to use a touch pad (in Win7). I would assume that Win7 would simply read the position of the "touch" and put x,y data and "click" data in the same places it puts the same data from a mouse.
Reverend Dr
First off, getting a touch screen to register a touch is much more difficult and slower than just touching, or have you never used any touch sensitive technology. Second off, no I can still reach all four corners with a mouse faster than touching the screen, I'm also not alone.
First off, getting a touch screen to register a touch is much more difficult and slower than just touching, or have you never used any touch sensitive technology. Second off, no I can still reach all four corners with a mouse faster than touching the screen, I'm also not alone.
Have you tried the Surface PC from Microsoft? We have a few of those too. It has excellent response time. Your table becomes your touch screen.
Zahr Dalsk
What I am curious to know is, would this give a huge advantage to users with touch screens, should the game designers decide to support a touch interface in the future?
Think of fps games and touch screen. just tap the screen at someones head. boomhead shot!
You aim exactly at the centre of your screen. Touching someone's head isn't going to make your targeting reticle magically change its position on your screen.
Let me know when you get the handless keyboard working.
Unlikely. Due to something called mouse sensitivity, a mouse user will still have an advantage over a touchscreen user: a mouse user can move the cursor around faster than the touchscreen user can move their finger (the finger has to physically travel the distance, the mouse barely needs to move) while still having better accuracy than the touchscreen user.
Zahr Dalsk
If the mouse is overly sensitive on a HUGE screen, it becomes hard to control. At a certain screen size, it is easier to use touch than to use a mouse.

No one has mentioned long fingernails yet. Me being girl gamer I have set of claws on me and it would be very akward to use touch screen without puncturing it
king swift
Ive been beta testing windows 7. It runs with no problems. I like to think of it as windows XP with many significant upgrades. As far as a touchscreen goes. Why? There is nothing that would give you an advantage over a mouse user.
Yes, Windows 7 is more stable and faster than Vista. Actually Windows 7 Beta is more stable and faster than Vista but that is just my personal opinion. 
Agree that keyboard shortcuts are still the fastest but not everything can be done through the keyboard.
I have heard women with long finger nails complaining about the iPhone touch screen too, but it is still popular.
Agree that keyboard shortcuts are still the fastest but not everything can be done through the keyboard.
I have heard women with long finger nails complaining about the iPhone touch screen too, but it is still popular.
I wouldn't really use a touch screen in pvp. While you would normally click the mouse or press keyboard buttons frantically in a heated match, and especially so if you are running a spammy build, with a touch screen, you would have a tendency to jab at the screen instead.
A cracked or scratched screen would be the result before long. The more emotional pvp players might even switch from jabbing the screen to punching it if they lose lol.
A cracked or scratched screen would be the result before long. The more emotional pvp players might even switch from jabbing the screen to punching it if they lose lol.
Touch screen in Guild Wars will be hard to use...
i think its meant to take notes digitally =p
i think its meant to take notes digitally =p
Reverend Dr
I don't know what delusion you are living under where touch screens are responsive enough to keep up with the number of actions per minute of competitive gaming. Also I can move my mouse on my screen faster than you can move your hands across a monitor.