Tall Shield 16 Armor Worth anything more than merchant food? lol
Sorry for the noob question but I'm really new. Also I made a thread thats on page two, if anyone could check it out any insight is great. I know some of the stuff isn't worth much but I'd rather check before I lose money.
Most notably i have a Bladed Shield 15 Armor, -1 physical damage, Strength 9 required thats blue. What would it be worth as well? I've been told high and low.
Simple PC
A screenshot of the items stats would help to determine a value.
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You haven't given enough information.
Ok here's a screenshot of most everything. Please be specfic if anythings worth selling. I know alot of it will be labled as merch food probably but its worth a shot and I'm just getting aquinted to this game.
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