Cartagropher title?
Just wanted to double check on this... if you leave pre-searing without exploring all of it will that prevent you from getting the title?
No. You only get the title for cartographing post-sear Prophecies. I mean, imagine the to-do from Factions and NF characters if you had to map pre-sear, considering it's a time rather than a place. Meaning they can't go map there. XD
Also, check on wiki for a list of locations that don't have to be cartographed on the mainland of each continent. Sunspear Sanctuary in Nightfall and The Undercity in Factions, for example, are mainland areas that don't need to be scraped for the title.
But no, pre-searing doesn't count towards cartography. Matter of fact, the geographical area that pre-searing Ascalon occupies is still explorable in post-searing, so you're still exploring the area even though it's significantly less green.
But no, pre-searing doesn't count towards cartography. Matter of fact, the geographical area that pre-searing Ascalon occupies is still explorable in post-searing, so you're still exploring the area even though it's significantly less green.