I would appreciate if you could tell me if I should just sell it to the merchant.
Kournan Key
Istani Key
Shing Jea Key
Shiverpeak Key
Bottle of Grog - SOLD
Hard Apple Cider - SOLD
Seasonal Items:
Chocolate Bunny - SOLD
Golden Egg - SOLD
Pumpkin Pie - SOLD
Four-Leaf Clover - SOLD
Shamrock Ale -SOLD
Transmorgrifier Tonic (Double-click to embody spirit of Halloween)
Victory Token
Monastery Credits - EXCHANGED
Battle Commendation - EXCHANGED
Imperial Commendation - EXCHANGED
Hale Dead Staff of Charrslaying - En. +9 , Lightn. Dmg 10-18 (req. 8 channeling), Halves casting of spells (8%), Health +22, Dmg +17% (vs.Charr) - MERCHED
Measure For Measure
Guided By Fate - MERCHED
Don't Fear The Reaper
Swift As The Wind
Show Me The Money - MERCHED
Necromancer Rune Of Superior Blood Magic -MERCHED
Price Check On Random Noob Items
I would appreciate if you could tell me if I should just sell it to the merchant.
Keys: Kournan Key - use it Istani Key - use it Shing Jea Key - use it Shiverpeak Key - use it Alcohol: Bottle of Grog 500g - 600g Hard Apple Cider 100g - 120g Seasonal Items: Chocolate Bunny - SOLD Golden Egg - SOLD Pumpkin Pie - SOLD Four-Leaf Clover - 200g Shamrock Ale - 100g - 120g Transmorgrifier Tonic (Double-click to embody spirit of Halloween) 200g Victory Token - i theres only 1 jsut get rid of it, but if you have bunch just hold on to them for next year (it there is a next year in guild wars) Commendations: Monastery Credits - exchange for items etc (check wiki for items) Battle Commendation - exhange for items etc (check wiki for items) Imperial Commendation - exhange for items etc (Check wiki for items) Weapon: Hale Dead Staff of Charrslaying - En. +9 , Lightn. Dmg 10-18 (req. 8 channeling), Halves casting of spells (8%), Health +22, Dmg +17% (vs.Charr) - merch Inscriptions: Measure For Measure 300g - 400g Guided By Fate - 500g (i would just merch, hard to sell) Don't Fear The Reaper - 500g (hard to sell) Swift As The Wind - 500g (hard to sell Show Me The Money - merch Necromancer Rune Of Superior Blood Magic - merch at the rune trader |