Slayer of nightmares

farmer mojoe

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2009

Does it matter what nightmares you kill. Can it be the ones at toa or does it have to be in eye of the north. If so can some one tell me where some are at.

Ariena Najea

Ariena Najea

Silence and Motion

Join Date: Jul 2006

Buffalo NY

New Horizon [NH]

Sounds like you're looking at the Norn Title Track.

The nomenclature can be confusing because there is no relation to your rank and the type of foe attached. Simply earn more points to increase in the title track.

farmer mojoe

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2009

Oh ok so I just need to work on the norn track and not so much about trying to find nightmares. Or does it go in order down the track of tittles. I am sorry if I am asking dumb ?'s. I just got eye of the north and am trying to get to making consets.

Divine Ashes

Divine Ashes

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006




Yeah it doesn't matter what type of enemy you kill for the norn title track. You just have to be in a norn zone and have gotten a blessing from one of the shrines in said zone.

farmer mojoe

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2009

Thank you very much for your help.
Where can I find the shrines to recieve the blessing that I need.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2007


Guild Hopper!


those "titles" are just that..titles, it doesnt mean you gotta go kill a certian foe, its just a naming for that rank ie private,Luitenent, colonel ect ect.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005


You can also get norn points in other ways, such as turning in storybooks and completing certain dungeons or zaishen quests.

One method that used to be popular for farming norn points involves repeatedly killing 250+ enemies in varajar fells, then killing the 6 bosses that appear for The Path to Revelations quest (but don't accept quest reward, so you can keep repeating this).